
Joseph Vazquez | October 23, 2023

Liberal journos like Vox co-founder Matthew Yglesias continue to treat struggling Americans as stupid for not giving President Joe Biden kudos on his so-called “great” economy.

Yglesias published a ludicrous Oct. 22 op-ed for Bloomberg…

Joseph Vazquez | October 19, 2023

American voters continue to repudiate the media’s seemingly never-ending attempts to slap lipstick on the grotesque pig that is Bidenomics.

Morning Consult and Bloomberg News released their latest survey Oct. 19 of 5,023…

Joseph Vazquez | October 4, 2023

The Christian Science Monitor has emerged to promote one of the dumbest media takes on the Bidenomics disaster yet.

CSM editor Mark Sappenfield sung the praises of President Joe Biden’s illusory economic prowess in a dense Oct. 2…

Joseph Vazquez | October 2, 2023

For all the over-the-top media bluster over how hunky-dory President Joe Biden’s decrepit economy supposedly is, Bloomberg News decided to red-pill itself: The prospect of a recession still threatens America.

“Why a US Recession Is Still…

Joseph Vazquez | September 28, 2023

Apparently The Washington Post’s in-house fact-butcher Glenn Kessler hasn’t learned his lesson. He regurgitated one of his already-debunked arguments spinning inflation data to protect President Joe Biden.

Kessler used the second GOP…

Joseph Vazquez | September 19, 2023

Philadelphia Inquirer national columnist Will Bunch gaslit the American public in an outrageous full-throated defense of “Bidenomics.” 

Bunch’s Sept. 14 column headline speaks for itself: “The problem with ‘Bidenomics’? It didn’t go…

Joseph Vazquez | September 13, 2023

The tone-deaf hacks at The New York Times treated an expected spike in inflation as a problem because … Republicans could potentially pounce on the development to criticize President Joe Biden. Yes, the leftist rag actually did that.


Joseph Vazquez | August 17, 2023

Either President Bill Clinton’s unhinged former labor secretary is completely detached from reality or is flat-out lying about how star-spangled awesome President Joe Biden’s inflation-rattled economy supposedly is.

Robert Reich joined…

Joseph Vazquez | July 31, 2023

Repeatedly trying to slap lipstick on President Joe Biden’s ramshackled economy just got a lot harder for the presstitutes. Americans aren’t buying it.

A new CBS News/YouGov poll found that a majority 65 percent of Americans view the…

Joseph Vazquez | July 6, 2023

The New York Times editorial board seems to have rediscovered basic economics: excessive federal government borrowing is “unsustainable.” Thanks, Captain Obvious! 

The Times released a July 5 editorial headlined, “America Is…

Joseph Vazquez | May 12, 2023

CNBC anchor Joe Kernen was fed up with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s (D-RI) attempts to shift blame for the ongoing debt ceiling debacle in Congress.

Whitehouse tried to put the onus on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) despite…

Joseph Vazquez | May 2, 2023

CNN apparently can’t get its talking points in order after wantonly lecturing people to “chill” with the recession talk back in February. 

CNN’s May 2 headline didn't mince words about the current precarious state of America’s…

Joseph Vazquez | May 1, 2023

The so-called ‘Biden boom’ that New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman has repeatedly foretold clearly never materialized. Now, he’s desperately trying to move the goalposts.

Krugman’s April 27 headline said it all: “Joe Biden…

Joseph Vazquez | April 27, 2023

Leave it to the propagandists at The New York Times to try to sprinkle some sugar over an anemic GDP report. 

The Times economics writer Ben Casselman broke out some confetti for the latest economic report showing a lackluster 1.1…

Joseph Vazquez | March 29, 2023

A major global outlet funded by leftist billionaire George Soros actually published scathing criticism by two economists blasting the Federal Reserve’s role in creating the pretext for the bank failures that rocked U.S. markets.


Joseph Vazquez | March 9, 2023

The New York Times tried turning the screws on Republican members of Congress who are adamant about President Joe Biden agreeing to spending cuts before the debt ceiling is raised...yet again.

Times White House correspondent Jim…

Joseph Vazquez | February 27, 2023

MSNBC regular and blowhard Donny Deutsch insisted the Democrats’ laundry list of inflation-exacerbating spending initiatives throughout President Joe Biden’s time in office was just the epitome of competence.

Insufferable MSNBC Morning…

Joseph Vazquez | February 9, 2023

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows ignored a devastating new survey that completely upended the media gaslighting on how precarious President Joe Biden’s economy really is for Americans.

Gallup released a new survey Feb. 8 of 1,011…

Joseph Vazquez | January 30, 2023

New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman went on a tone-deaf rant against rural Americans who are fed up with Washington, D.C. elites making their lives miserable.

Krugman’s Jan. 26 drivel, headlined “Can Anything Be Done to…

Joseph Vazquez | January 25, 2023

A New York Times editorial board member actually claimed that Americans should be concerned about their taxes being too low when thinking about the $31 trillion-plus national debt crisis. Yes, you read that correctly.
