
Joseph Vazquez | May 21, 2020

New York Times economist Paul Krugman continues to unleash liberal bile just to take disgusting shots at President Donald Trump, Republicans, and ordinary Americans for wanting to reopen the economy.

Krugman penned an absurd May…

Joseph Vazquez | May 12, 2020

Economist and member of the Save Our Country Task Force Stephen Moore came out swinging against neglecting the economy further amidst the ongoing pandemic.

After noting that over 200,000 people worldwide, and over 70,000 Americans, have…

Joseph Vazquez | May 4, 2020

One of the premier national unions for liberal outlets such as NBC News Digital, The Washington Post and The New York Times actually voted to request the government finance the news industry with taxpayer dollars.

Surprisingly, it was The…

Joseph Vazquez | May 4, 2020

Liberal billionaire Warren Buffett apparently doesn’t believe that the coronavirus will cripple the might of the U.S. economy in the long-run.

A prominent liberal business figure like Buffett voicing such sentiments…

Joseph Vazquez | May 1, 2020

It finally happened. A liberal outlet got around to saying this was President Donald Trump’s economy, but only because it’s being wrecked by the Wuhan coronavirus.

In an April 29, Politico Playbook PM newsletter, which…

Joseph Vazquez | April 30, 2020

The Los Angeles Times touted a new media lobbying effort to expand federal ad spending by billions of dollars for local media companies.

In a story headlined, “Rocked by coronavirus losses, TV, radio, newspapers seek…

Joseph Vazquez | April 15, 2020

Liberal outlet Politico exploited the coronavirus-induced "economic meltdown" and translated it into a political tool to be used by Democrats against Republicans to win races in Texas.

In an absurd story headlined,…

Joseph Vazquez | March 18, 2020

MSNBC just cannot seem to help itself.

All In host Chris Hayes sent out a flippant tweet in response to reports that the Trump administration will be asking Congress for “more than $800 billion in economic stimulus: $500 billion in…

Joseph Vazquez | March 17, 2020
CNBC apparently had no problem treating Sen. Mitt Romney’s (R-UT) coronavirus plan to give “every” American $1,000 as a rational idea.   CNBC came right off the bat to make the senator look like some sort of philanthropist…
Joseph Vazquez | March 13, 2020

When the economy gets you down, just throw truckloads of taxpayer cash at it. At least, that’s what MSNBC Anchor Chris Hayes says Congress should do.

Hayes sent out his policy prescription on Twitter in the early morning of March 13…

Joseph Vazquez | March 12, 2020

MSNBC has already proven that its ability to do math is suspect. Turns out, its on-air talent may understand little about business loans too.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid sent out a flippant tweet in an attempt to denigrate the Trump…

Joseph Vazquez | February 24, 2020

Liberal billionaire Warren Buffett, who’s been fairly quiet this election cycle, took to CNBC to weigh in on the Democratic primary races. As it turns out, even The Billion-Dollar King of Abortion found self-proclaimed socialist Sen. Bernie…

Joseph Vazquez | February 20, 2020

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe distorted an Axios report on President Donald Trump’s economy to credit former president Barack Obama.

The show ran a segment defending Obama’s tweet congratulating himself for…

Joseph Vazquez | February 17, 2020

Former President Barack Obama, touting his own economic magic wand, tried to take credit for the Trump economy.

Obama sent out the self-congratulatory tweet February 17. He said that, “Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the…

Julia A. Seymour | September 19, 2017

Business and technology magazine Fast Company may have pulled a fast one over any readers unwilling to whip out a calculator when thinking about the Universal Basic Income (UBI).

A universal basic income is when a government provides a…