Race Issues

Alexander Hall, Alec Schemmel | October 12, 2020

Facebook executives have claimed they are restricting content to prevent “civil unrest.” But Facebook has repeatedly censored or banned groups on the right while allowing reportedly violent Antifa factions and left-wing militia organizations.…

Joseph Vazquez | September 28, 2020

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s leftist philanthropy has surfaced to the front of a Twitter uproar involving a professor who went on a racially-charged rant to viciously attack U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett and her family.

Heather Moon | September 25, 2020

If President Donald Trump says he will enforce law and order, that’s abusive behavior. But if Twitter users call to burn down the city of Louisville, that’s fine. 

Twitter saw no rule violation in the calls to burn down the city of…

Joseph Vazquez | September 24, 2020

You wouldn’t know it unless you looked under a few rocks, but cash from liberal billionaire George Soros is very much involved in the “defund the police” movement. 

Just don’t expect Politico to be too forthcoming about it in its…

Joseph Vazquez | September 21, 2020

It looks like the harbingers Dr. Robert Epstein had warned the country about regarding liberal Big Tech’s influence in elections are coming true.

Big Tech giant Facebook informed the Media Research Center that it would be partnering with…

Corinne Weaver | August 31, 2020

Facebook claims it wants to promote racial equality by “elevating Black voices.” But if those voices promote conservative content, then Facebook does not want to elevate it.

The Hodgetwins, who market themselves as conservative comedians…

Alexander Hall | August 4, 2020

Government enforced race reparations aren’t here yet, but Google has rolled out a plan to show people how to exclusively support businesses based not on the content of the owners’ character but on the color of their skin. 


Joseph Vazquez | July 20, 2020

Conservatism should no longer be the standard for business journalism. At least that’s what a loopy op-ed by Quartz Editor-In-Chief Katherine Bell suggested. 

Bell’s op-ed was headlined, “It’s time for business journalism to break…

Joseph Vazquez | July 16, 2020

Media outlets like CNN and The Daily Beast have decided it’s wrong for a Hispanic business owner to support President Donald Trump.

Both CNN and a Daily Beast op-ed attacked Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue for voicing his…

Joseph Vazquez | July 15, 2020

Liberal billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundations are looking to capitalize on the riots, looting and racial unrest by announcing a massive multimillion-dollar initiative to promote so-called "racial equality."

The New York…

Alexander Hall | July 14, 2020

Instagram users attach “stickers” to label their story videos with humorous text, but even Instagram went too far on its own. It has removed the “MUTE WHITE PEOPLE” sticker after conservative journalists and Donald Trump Jr. torched the company…

Joseph Vazquez | July 9, 2020

Leftist infighting over “equality” and “titles” is an ironic yet glorious thing to see.

The leaders of Sleeping Giants, a leftist “social media campaign group that has pressured companies to stop financially supporting”…

Heather Moon | July 7, 2020

YouTube finds that a video showing crimes committed by African-Americans against white people goes against its community standards. 

Conservative YouTuber and author Mark Dice tweeted a video compilation of black-on-white violence…

Joseph Vazquez | July 6, 2020

The New York Times hates American capitalism, and nothing makes that clearer than its Sunday print newspaper.

The Times published a (count-it) 16-page leftist screed against American capitalism in its “Sunday Review” item headlined: “The…

Joseph Vazquez | June 30, 2020

The leftist lunacy of The Washington Post knows no bounds.

Washington Post Climate and Science reporter Sarah Kaplan wrote a climate propaganda article masquerading as news. The story was headlined: “Climate change is also a racial…

Joseph Vazquez | June 24, 2020

If you think New York Times economist Paul Krugman’s op-eds are bad, his Twitter account is even worse. It’s a collection of babble, not the commentary of a Nobel laureate.

Krugman is no stranger to saying indefensible or…

Heather Moon | June 23, 2020

Twitter is at it again. The social media site censored President Donald Trump’s response to raging protests just outside the White House. Trump warned the attempt to turn historic St. John’s Episcopal Church into a “Black House Autonomous Zone”…

Joseph Vazquez | June 19, 2020

The media continue to take the knee to Black Lives Matter. USA Today pushed a leftist event calling for people to boycott companies that don’t support the movement.

The story, headlined “‘Boycott for Black Lives': People plan to…

Joseph Vazquez | June 12, 2020

CNN’s Chris Cuomo doesn’t appear to have done his due diligence. He committed a very bad gaffe last night by using pre-Trump era economic data to bash President Donald Trump’s economy.

Cuomo attacked Trump’s Director of the…

Joseph Vazquez | June 10, 2020

The corporate apparatus that oversees NBC News has again revealed itself to be a massive SJW media behemoth. And it is devoting $100 million to prove it. 

Comcast Corporation Chairman and CEO Brian Roberts issued a statement…