Race Issues

Joseph Vazquez | August 12, 2021

American Big Tech companies apparently aren’t the only ones pushing woke ideologies. American Express (AmEx) was allegedly exposed for instituting a vehemently anti-American Critical Race Theory training program for its employees.

Joseph Vazquez | August 6, 2021

Leftist billionaire George Soros has clearly adopted the defund-the-police movement into his nefarious political agenda to reshape the United States in his image.

Fox News reporter Joe Schoffstall (who previously worked at the Media…

Joseph Vazquez | August 5, 2021

Nationally syndicated radio host Mark Levin tore into the “frauds” in corporate America who have made it a point to be clinically woke but then silent on their dealings with the “genocidal mass murderers” in the Chinese Communist Party.

Joseph Vazquez | July 7, 2021

Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Christopher Rufo dropped a bombshell exposing a major U.S. defense contractor’s mission to shame its white employees and enforce critical race theory.

Rufo stated on Twitter July 6 that Raytheon…

Joseph Vazquez | June 25, 2021

The despicable movement propagating hate-filled critical race theory in schools is now getting pushback from a new education organization that has had enough. 

The Free to Learn Coalition (FLC) is “joining the fight against critical…

Joseph Vazquez | June 21, 2021

George Soros is at it again. The leftist billionaire dumped a new batch of cash into a far-left group that is behind efforts to stoke anti-police hatred.

Data from Soros-funded ProPublica showed that Soros donated $1 million to the…

Joseph Vazquez | May 3, 2021

A top economist sounded the alarm on the damage President Joe Biden’s Marxist plans will inflict on the economy.

Economist and University of Maryland Professor Emeritus Peter Morici penned a fiery op-ed headlined, “Biden's woke economics…

Autumn Johnson | April 22, 2021

Twitter refused to investigate an inflammatory tweet by LeBron James for potential violations after the NBA superstar threatened an Ohio police officer. James went after the officer who shot and killed a 16-year-old African-American girl who…

Alexander Hall | April 21, 2021

The not-so-neighborly social media app Nextdoor revealed a new program that warns users to avoid posting language that it deemed “could be offensive.”

Phrases such as “All Lives Matter” will trip Nextdoor’s racism censor, apparently. The…

Joseph Vazquez | April 21, 2021

A Bloomberg Opinion senior columnist joined the noisy cacophony of liberal elitists demanding Fox Corporation executive Lachlan Murdoch cancel conservative host Tucker Carlson.

Timothy O’Brien’s anti-Carlson rant was headlined, “Fox News…

Alec Schemmel | April 21, 2021

Facebook has once again shown that on its platform only certain viewpoints are allowed in discussions about controversial topics.

Facebook announced it would be censoring so-called “misinformation” and “hate speech” regarding the verdict…

Joseph Vazquez | April 19, 2021

A new wacky report by Greenpeace underscored the Marxist left’s obsession with connecting the completely unrelated issues of eco-fanaticism and racism.

The April 13 report was published with a blaring headline, “Fossil Fuel Racism.” The…

Joseph Vazquez | April 15, 2021

The New York Times and The Washington Post appeared to be tickled pink about the opportunity to advertise a statement signed by woke corporate America aiming to block voter ID laws across the country. The Post’s owner Jeff Bezos, who is also…

Joseph Vazquez | March 10, 2021

Bloomberg Businessweek’s latest “equality issue” has questioned whether the thousands of pages of U.S. tax code are — wait for it — “racist.” It’s as if the left isn’t even trying to make sense anymore.

The cover of the new issue led…

Joseph Vazquez | March 1, 2021

Apparently, liberal billionaires like abortion megadonor Warren Buffett aren’t allowed to remain silent on toxic racial politics without enraging the easily triggered liberal media.

Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett…

Joseph Vazquez | January 26, 2021

The Washington Post tried to push propaganda that former President Donald Trump’s economy was terrible for minorities. One economist set the paper straight.

The Post’s story online was outrageously headlined, “The Trump economy left Black…

Joseph Vazquez | January 12, 2021

Corporate America was approvingly woke when leftist Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists rioted for several months. But businesses feign righteous indignation when people from the other side of the political aisle decide to engage in the…

Joseph Vazquez | January 5, 2021

Supporting a leftist group that advocates defunding the police apparently wasn’t a red flag for liberal outlet Inside Philanthropy’s (IP) “Philanthropist of the Year” award. 

At least, that’s the message that IP…

Joseph Vazquez | December 23, 2020

Fox Business host Charles Payne had no patience for incoming “Squad” member Congressman-elect Jamaal Bowman’s (D-NY) absurd claim that American capitalism is “'slavery by another name.'”

During the Dec. 22 edition of America’s Newsroom on…

Joseph Vazquez | December 2, 2020

The woke “capitalists” at the Nasdaq stock exchange are pushing to force its listed companies to adopt leftist identity politics. And the liberal media are salivating all over it.

Nasdaq recently filed a proposal with the U.S.…