Oil & Gas Prices

Joseph Vazquez | December 18, 2023

A columnist for The Observer apparently didn’t sense the comedic value in telling readers with a straight face that the clownish concept of Bidenomics is somehow finally starting to work.

Columnist Will Hutton’s Dec. 17 headline was just…

Joseph Vazquez | December 13, 2023

There seems to be no end in sight for the media gaslighting on President Joe Biden’s abysmal economy. One economist has had it.

Business Insider had the audacity to publish an asinine piece of economic propaganda Dec. 3 that reeked of a…

Joseph Vazquez | December 4, 2023

The leftist Atlantic actually victim-blamed Americans for the crushing high prices they’re experiencing. In the same breath, the outlet billed President Joe Biden’s ridiculously bad economy as the cat’s pajamas.

“Inflation Is Your Fault…

Joseph Vazquez | November 14, 2023

The leftist Washington Post just can’t resist treating Americans as if they’re just dumb for thinking Bidenomics is a disaster despite their ongoing economic hardships.

The Post ran a condescending headline on Nov. 13 that was about as…

Joseph Vazquez | October 24, 2023

Paul Krugman, New York Times economics columnist and chronic escapist, can’t help making himself look even more clownish by casting Bidenomics as anything other than the inflation-stimulating mess that it is.

“The Secret of America’s…

Joseph Vazquez | October 23, 2023

Liberal journos like Vox co-founder Matthew Yglesias continue to treat struggling Americans as stupid for not giving President Joe Biden kudos on his so-called “great” economy.

Yglesias published a ludicrous Oct. 22 op-ed for Bloomberg…

Joseph Vazquez | October 19, 2023

American voters continue to repudiate the media’s seemingly never-ending attempts to slap lipstick on the grotesque pig that is Bidenomics.

Morning Consult and Bloomberg News released their latest survey Oct. 19 of 5,023…

Tom Olohan | October 13, 2023

The New York Times’s insufferable economics columnist Paul Krugman found an innovative way to fool himself into arguing that Biden’s disastrous policies beat inflation. 

Krugman pontificated on X (formerly Twitter) on Oct. 11 that…

Joseph Vazquez | October 4, 2023

The Christian Science Monitor has emerged to promote one of the dumbest media takes on the Bidenomics disaster yet.

CSM editor Mark Sappenfield sung the praises of President Joe Biden’s illusory economic prowess in a dense Oct. 2…

Joseph Vazquez | October 2, 2023

For all the over-the-top media bluster over how hunky-dory President Joe Biden’s decrepit economy supposedly is, Bloomberg News decided to red-pill itself: The prospect of a recession still threatens America.

“Why a US Recession Is Still…

Joseph Vazquez | September 28, 2023

Apparently The Washington Post’s in-house fact-butcher Glenn Kessler hasn’t learned his lesson. He regurgitated one of his already-debunked arguments spinning inflation data to protect President Joe Biden.

Kessler used the second GOP…

Joseph Vazquez | September 20, 2023

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows once again proved why the American people should treat their coverage of President Joe Biden’s economy like the deceptive propaganda that it is.

The U.S. national debt reached a scary milestone…

Joseph Vazquez | September 19, 2023

Philadelphia Inquirer national columnist Will Bunch gaslit the American public in an outrageous full-throated defense of “Bidenomics.” 

Bunch’s Sept. 14 column headline speaks for itself: “The problem with ‘Bidenomics’? It didn’t go…

Tom Olohan | September 14, 2023

When it was revealed Sept. 12 that the U.S. poverty rate spiked in 2022 for the first time in 13 years, President Joe Biden’s mouthpiece at The New York Times had some egg on his face. 

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman made an…

Joseph Vazquez | September 13, 2023

The tone-deaf hacks at The New York Times treated an expected spike in inflation as a problem because … Republicans could potentially pounce on the development to criticize President Joe Biden. Yes, the leftist rag actually did that.


Joseph Vazquez | August 24, 2023

The Washington Post’s third-rate “fact-checker” Glenn Kessler butchered the facts when he claimed that the sky-high inflation brought on by Bidenomics barely made a dent in Americans’ spending power. Economists interviewed by MRC Business were…

Joseph Vazquez | August 17, 2023

Either President Bill Clinton’s unhinged former labor secretary is completely detached from reality or is flat-out lying about how star-spangled awesome President Joe Biden’s inflation-rattled economy supposedly is.

Robert Reich joined…

Joseph Vazquez | August 14, 2023

Reality has been pretty harsh to the presstitutes at CNN who’ve made it a point of shoving “Bidenomics” down the American people’s throats regardless of how foolish they look doing so.

CNN Reporter Matt Egan ran an Aug. 11 story that…

Joseph Vazquez | July 31, 2023

Repeatedly trying to slap lipstick on President Joe Biden’s ramshackled economy just got a lot harder for the presstitutes. Americans aren’t buying it.

A new CBS News/YouGov poll found that a majority 65 percent of Americans view the…

Joseph Vazquez | July 26, 2023

The Washington Post is either too blinded by ineptitude to realize how bad President Joe Biden’s economy really is or is just content making pathetic attempts to deceive readers. 

The Post economics reporter Jeff Stein wrote a…