Oil & Gas Prices

Joseph Vazquez | September 21, 2022

Fortune magazine ran one of the dumbest liberal takes on inflation yet. Its propaganda piece even puts fraudulent economists like Paul Krugman to shame. 

The liberal magazine had the audacity to publish a tone-deaf inflation story…

Joseph Vazquez | September 20, 2022

PolitiFact had the audacity to argue like President Joe Biden’s eco-extremist policies didn't really have anything to do with America’s energy inflation crisis, continuing to prove why its worthless so-called “fact-checks” belong in the trash bin…

Jeffrey Clark | September 19, 2022

The Washington Post Editorial Board tried to freak Americans out by claiming that some communities “will have to be abandoned” completely because it would cost too much money to save them from climate change. 

“There are few easy…

Joseph Vazquez | September 16, 2022

Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo has had it with President Joe Biden’s administration for spending trillions like it’s going out of style while the nation reels from an inflation crisis.

Bartiromo smacked the Biden White House for its…

Joseph Vazquez | September 14, 2022

Why did CNBC’s Jim Cramer think it was a good idea to sycophantically praise the Federal Reserve’s inflation-reduction measures the day before the release of an awful inflation report?

Cramer hoodwinked viewers during the Sept. 12…

Joseph Vazquez | September 8, 2022

New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman apparently tried to strong-arm struggling American workers into believing that they have been ignorant of an ongoing “Biden Boom.”

Krugman’s latest op-ed of pro-Biden drivel didn’t make much…

Jeffrey Clark | September 7, 2022

Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr fired the latest salvo in the culture war against the leftist environmental, social and governance movement that has taken hold of America’s largest investment firms. 

ESG policies are “…

Jeffrey Clark | August 29, 2022

Tesla CEO Elon Musk called for more oil and gas production in order to maintain stability around the world as Europe and the United States suffer through the worst energy crisis in years. 

“I think, realistically, we need to use oil…

Jeffrey Clark | August 19, 2022

CNN is apparently desperate to convince Americans to stop taking the glass-half-empty view of absurdly high gas prices that declined somewhat. Look on the bright side, says CNN: think of the small gas price dip as a $100-a-month raise …

Jeffrey Clark | August 17, 2022

Psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson rebuked the woke globalist peddlers of climate doom in a fiery video essay on his YouTube channel.

“Have you all noticed that food has become much more expensive?” Peterson asked in an Aug. 15 video. “That…

Joseph Vazquez | August 12, 2022

Disgruntled New York Times economist Paul Krugman is clearly willing to sink his career further into the reputational abyss by mudding semantics to save President Joe Biden’s hoax that we had zero inflation in July.

The failed “Team…

Joseph Vazquez | August 11, 2022

A pilot Twitter program for platform users to identify “misleading” information surprisingly dinged President Joe Biden’s press secretary for gaslighting people on inflation.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre bleated in a…

Joseph Vazquez | August 10, 2022

New York Times economic columnist Paul Krugman is now pretending to be a climate expert since his economic record on inflation is just awful. Now, he’s celebrating Democrat senators for allegedly trying to “save” civilization from a supposed eco-…

Jeffrey Clark | August 8, 2022

A powerful Dutch banking executive signaled support for personal carbon wallets that would give citizens — and perhaps even a government regulator — the ability to track carbon emissions on a micro scale. Is this an early look at what the U.S.…

Joseph Vazquez | August 8, 2022

Bloomberg News co-founder Matthew Winkler came out with one of the dumbest explanations for why consumers believe President Joe Biden’s economy stinks: Blame those darn 2020 “election deniers.”

Winkler published an op-ed for his liberal…

Jeffrey Clark | August 3, 2022

Conservative radio host and Blaze TV founder Glenn Beck presented a few instances of dizzying price spikes after former President Donald Trump left office. Spoiler alert: Things have gone quite sour under President Joe Biden.


Joseph Vazquez | July 29, 2022

Facebook fact-checker PolitiFact played the role of the village idiot by fact-checking an Instagram post that dared to slam the Biden White House for redefining the word “recession.”

PolitiFact ran one of its so-called “fact-checks” July…

Jeffrey Clark | July 28, 2022

Four liberal outlets peered into their crystal balls and declared that the economy would show signs of growth, not shrinkage, just days and weeks ahead of the government’s second-quarter GDP report. 

There was just one problem with…

Jeffrey Clark | July 27, 2022

The liberal media machine is kicking into overdrive to convince the American people not to believe their lying eyes on the economy. Don’t worry if the second-quarter GDP numbers are atrocious, the narrative goes. It doesn’t necessarily mean we’re…

Joseph Vazquez | July 27, 2022

The New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman went from admitting he completely botched his “transitory” inflation calls to gaslighting readers over the possibility of a recession.

Krugman took to Twitter to promote his new column…