New York Post

Alexander Hall | October 28, 2020

The Chairman of a massive Big Tech hearing slammed the CEO of Twitter for enabling dictators’ calls for violence and Chinese COVID-19 propaganda while censoring President Donald Trump.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Google CEO Sundar Pichai,…

Joseph Vazquez | October 27, 2020

NBC News, which helped push the Trump-Russia hoax for nearly four years, is now using Russian President Vladimir Putin as a source to try to discredit President Donald Trump for criticizing Hunter Biden’s alleged nefarious dealings in Ukraine.…

Kayla Sargent | October 27, 2020

Three Big Tech CEOs are headed to the Senate to testify tomorrow October 28 in the midst of the worst example of online censorship this election. Republican senators are ready for a fight. 

The hearing has gained attention following…

Alec Schemmel | October 21, 2020

Twitter reversed its decision to censor the New York Post’s Hunter Biden story. But the war isn’t over yet. 

The Post’s Twitter account has remained locked for a full seven days, according to New York Post Deputy Politics Editor Emma…

Kayla Sargent | October 15, 2020

Leading Republicans were furious following the Twitter and Facebook dumpster fire of censorship yesterday. 

Both sites censored an article from the New York Post, which claimed to expose the alleged corrupt dealings of Democratic…

Joseph Vazquez | October 15, 2020

Wondering why Facebook and Twitter snapped into the full-on Orwellian Ministry of Truth by censoring the New York Post bombshell on Hunter Biden?

Donation records may help explain that. 

Open Secrets records revealed that for…

Alexander Hall | October 14, 2020

Twitter, following Facebook’s lead, is now suppressing a story. These actions seem designed to aid the Democratic Party and former Vice President Joe Biden just weeks before the presidential election on November 3, 2020. 

In a…

Kayla Sargent | October 13, 2020

TikTok users devised a new strategy to harass President Donald Trump, but in doing so, they ended up donating nearly $16,000 to the GOP. 

A viral campaign on TikTok urged users to reserve spots at Trump’s rally in Staten Island, New…

Joseph Vazquez | July 21, 2020

The NeverTrump Lincoln Project released a gross anti-Trump ad July 1, mocking the phony claim that Russian President Vladimir gave President Donald Trump his endorsement for 2020. What hypocrites.

The New York Post's Ebony Bowden revealed…

NB Staff | May 28, 2020

President Donald Trump is right that social media companies have been targeting conservatives. Twitter, in particular, has been engaging in a relentless attack on the American political process by censoring conservatives.

Now that has…

Joseph Vazquez | May 11, 2020

Lefty group Priorities USA Action disgustingly continues to put its billionaire funding from George Soros and Donald Sussman to dubious use launching ads exploiting the coronavirus to attack the president.

Newly released data…

Joseph Vazquez | April 28, 2020

The farcical New York Times dealt with the question of re-opening our coronavirus-devastated economy by stoking progressive alarmism about racial and economic “inequality.”

The Times published a preposterous story…

Joseph Vazquez | December 4, 2019

The liberal media-dubbed “patrician populist” Tom Steyer, who once decried “‘the corporate stranglehold on democracy,’” has continued to spend millions on liberal causes this election cycle.

Steyer is…

Corinne Weaver | January 31, 2019

The schools and studies that are shaping technology’s approach to fake news and censorship are biased in favor of the left.

A study released by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology opened with the premise that readers should be…

Corinne Weaver | January 28, 2019

Left-wing academia attacks conservatives and conservative news for “fake news.” But their studies fall short of proving this theory.

A new study found that “fake news was most concentrated among conservative voters.…

Alexander Hall | November 19, 2018

Silicon Valley tech companies donate fortunes to left-wing politicians. Could this be why Democrats are so hesitant to regulate them?

Last week, The New York Times revealed that Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) pressured Senator Mark…

Sam Dorman | June 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton made herself look like the out-of-touch elitist she is often criticized for being, but rather than reporting that, broadcast networks hyped her “historic” nomination.

When Clinton spoke against income…

Julia A. Seymour | April 22, 2016

Galileo, the famous Italian astronomer and scientist, once said, “In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single…