New York Post

Gabriela Pariseau | December 19, 2022

The newest batch of Twitter Files shows that the FBI appears to have intentionally “primed” Twitter executives to censor the New York Post Hunter Biden laptop story after a months-long witch hunt for foreign disinformation on the platform.…

Catherine Salgado | December 9, 2022

The second installment of the Twitter Files about the platform’s censorship has uncovered Twitter’s secret censorship team in addition to the company’s practice of blacklisting. 

The Free Press founder Bari Weiss tweeted the second…

Paiten Iselin | December 9, 2022

George Soros’ globalist influence extends across time and borders. His charities fund hundreds of media organizations worldwide.

This week’s episode of CensorTrack with Paiten featured MRC Business & MRC Free Speech America Associate…

Michael Chapman | December 8, 2022

(CNS News) -- The ongoing release of internal Twitter documents revealing the company's decision to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 presidential election largely confirms a post-election poll showing how Big Tech and Big…

Joseph Vazquez | December 2, 2022

Twitter owner Elon Musk released damning documents exposing the extent of the platform’s efforts to squash the Hunter Biden laptop scandal first reported by the New York Post.

Journalist Matt Taibbi, who first reported on the documents…

Paiten Iselin | December 2, 2022

Two years later, former Twitter Head of Trust and Safety Yoel Roth admitted censoring the bombshell New York Post Hunter Biden laptop story was a mistake.

On this week’s episode of CensorTrack with Paiten, we looked at the former Twitter…

Brian Bradley | September 20, 2022

Political motivations drove Facebook’s reported spying on users’ private messages in the lead-up to the 2020 election, Brownstone Institute founder and President Jeffrey Tucker told MRC Free Speech America Thursday.

“The collaboration…

NB Staff | September 7, 2022

Two liberal rags pooh-poohed a letter sent Thursday by House Republicans to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg that seeks more information from Facebook about its communication with the federal government that led to censorship of the Hunter Biden…

Paiten Iselin | September 2, 2022

Big Tech and the federal government appear to be working together to silence speech

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted on the Aug. 25 episode of Joe Rogan’s podcast that his platform censored the Hunter Biden bombshell reporting by the…

Paiten Iselin | August 26, 2022

Get ready for some déjà vu. The same platforms that censored the New York Post Hunter Biden scandal stories before the 2020 presidential election are cranking up the censorship machine leading up to the 2022 midterms.

This week’s episode…

Paiten Iselin | August 17, 2022

They’re at it again! Two of the leading platforms responsible for censoring the bombshell New York Post Hunter Biden scandal stories before the 2020 presidential election are gearing up to censor free speech to combat so-called “misinformation”…

Paiten Iselin | August 11, 2022

New York Post columnist, author, investigative journalist and Hoover Institution media fellow Paul Sperry said Twitter suspended his account after he condemned the FBI raid of Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago, Fla.

“This is outrageous…

Catherine Salgado | July 19, 2022

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is reportedly planning to counter-sue Twitter in an ongoing legal battle over the billionaire’s halted purchase of the social media company.

Musk has attempted to stop his purchase of Twitter after he said the company…

Catherine Salgado | July 6, 2022

New York is trying to shoot down two constitutional rights at once. A new law in New York requires gun permit applicants to provide three years’ worth of social media information before obtaining a concealed carry gun permit.

The New York…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 17, 2022

YouTube has shown time and time again that it won’t allow users to post about Jan. 6 or the 2020 election unless they outright deny claims of potential fraud or vote-counting errors. The Congressional January 6 Committee is no exception.

Brian Bradley | April 20, 2022

Twitter and Facebook worked in lockstep to restrict the flow of the Hunter Biden laptop story just before the 2020 presidential election. These platforms stifled the spread of that story at the same time that Big Media did, as MRC research found…

Joseph Vazquez | March 18, 2022

NewsGuard CEO Steven Brill outed himself as completely biased before The New York Times’ confirmation of the existence of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop emails.

The New York Times recently confirmed what conservatives already knew —…

Brian Bradley | March 17, 2022

Republican lawmakers tore into Big Tech for censoring the New York Post’s October 2020 Hunter Biden laptop story on Thursday after The New York Times tied files on the computer to a federal investigation.

A Times article published…

Alexander Hall | December 1, 2021

Facebook has reversed its crackdown of searches related to Kyle Rittenhouse now that he has been found not guilty.

During a national wave of riots in the summer of 2020, teenager Kyle Rittenhouse shot three people in Kenosha, Wis., in…

Catherine Salgado | November 23, 2021

Conservative Partnership Institute Senior ­Director of Policy Rachel Bovard slammed Big Tech censorship of free speech in a New York Post op-ed, on Monday. “Speech, as such, is no longer allowed on the [Big Tech] platforms. Just correct speech,”…