Joe Biden

Jeffrey Clark | May 13, 2022

Fox News host Tucker Carlson ripped President Joe Biden for being willing to blame anything but himself for the sky-high gas prices and inflation crippling the American economy. Carlson blasted Biden on the May 12 edition of Tucker Carlson…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | May 11, 2022

It’s Episode 37 of CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about the left’s newest tool to strip and limit free speech — the Disinformation Governance Board.

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security created the…

Joseph Vazquez | May 10, 2022

It’s the Roaring ‘20s once more. That’s what The New York Times claimed as high gas prices, 40-year record inflation and a border crisis dominate the lives of ordinary Americans. 

“For Tens of Millions of Americans, the Good Times…

Autumn Johnson | May 6, 2022

Missouri and Louisiana filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration Thursday for allegedly colluding with Big Tech companies.

Fox News reported that the lawsuit claimed that the Biden administration “pressured and colluded” with…

Joseph Vazquez | May 5, 2022

Tesla CEO Elon Musk correctly slammed NBC News for trying to bury the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. Phony fact-checker PolitiFact tapped into all levels of Pravda to pretend that wasn’t true.

The Facebook fact-checker ran an idiotic May 4…

Joseph Vazquez | May 4, 2022

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows ignored a damning new report alleging the U.S. government tracked millions of Americans to ensure compliance with the draconian COVID-19 lockdown orders.

Left-wing outlet Vice Motherboard released a…

Alexander Hall | April 28, 2022

The Biden administration formalized its war against so-called disinformation. 

Politico outlined the new Disinformation Governance Board’s (DGB) purpose to “coordinate countering misinformation related to homeland security, focused…

Joseph Vazquez | April 28, 2022

CNN’s Matt Egan spun himself into a whirlpool of insanity trying to downplay bad economic growth.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported that Gross Domestic Product contracted 1.4 percent in Q1, which was the complete opposite of…

Joseph Vazquez | April 28, 2022

Americans woke up Thursday morning to an economy that contracted in the first quarter. The ABC, CBS and NBC morning news shows ignored the story.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released a report at 8:30 a.m. revealing that U.S…

Jeffrey Clark | April 26, 2022

Fox News peeled back the curtain of President Joe Biden's administration and revealed how a shadowy organization heavily funded by liberal billionaire George Soros is working behind the scenes to advance a progressive agenda.

Fox News…

Joseph Vazquez | April 21, 2022

The newspaper owned by the second richest man in the world actually claimed that the Internal Revenue Service needs— wait for it — more money.

The Washington Post Editorial Board published an extraordinarily tone-deaf piece the day before…

Big Tech’s campaign to protect President Joe Biden and his agenda has continued unabated. The Media Research Center found more than 640 examples of bans, deleted content and other speech restrictions placed on those who criticized Biden on social…

Joseph Vazquez | April 20, 2022

Media Research Center Vice President of Free Speech America & Business Dan Gainor teased a soon-to-be-published MRC study proving Big Tech’s obsession with protecting President Joe Biden. Big Tech’s response was to censor people who…

Brian Bradley | April 20, 2022

Twitter and Facebook worked in lockstep to restrict the flow of the Hunter Biden laptop story just before the 2020 presidential election. These platforms stifled the spread of that story at the same time that Big Media did, as MRC research found…

Joseph Vazquez | April 19, 2022

The hypocrisy of Facebook’s fact-checking partners knows no bounds. In an act of discrimination against the Media Research Center, a Meta platform fact-checking partner threw a fit after MRC’s video division, MRCTV, dared to write about a video…

Dan Gainor, Joseph Vazquez | April 14, 2022

It was the stock buyout heard ‘round the world. Tesla owner Elon Musk’s offer to buy Twitter could save the whole concept of online free speech and alter politics and elections globally for years to come. 

Musk’s move might be the…

Jeffrey Clark | April 13, 2022

The same economist who admitted he got “inflation” wrong claimed the economy is thriving under President Joe Biden. At this point, flipping a coin is probably more accurate at predicting the future than New York Times columnist Paul Krugman…

Joseph Vazquez | April 5, 2022

The Associated Press couldn’t bring itself to outright admit that President Joe Biden falsely promised to Americans that they would save big on transitioning to green energy. Instead, AP just said he “misspoke” and “vastly overpromised.” …

Jeffrey Clark | April 4, 2022

President Barack Obama’s former director of the National Economic Council Lawrence Summers blasted the Federal Reserve for pushing fairy tales on inflation. Summers criticized “the Fed’s current forecast” of a massive drop in inflation during the…

NB Staff | March 29, 2022

In a Tuesday appearance on the Fox Business Network’s The Evening Edit, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell called out the liberal Big Tech companies and media for their “censorship” of the Hunter Biden laptop story that has recently…