Joe Biden

Corinne Weaver | April 3, 2020

2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s campaign released a video in March deceptively depicting President Donald Trump calling the coronavirus a “hoax.” Twitter refused to label or take the video down, in accordance…

Joseph Vazquez | March 24, 2020

It looks as though the left will exploit any crisis in order to take a shot at President Donald Trump, and they’re being fueled by liberal billionaire cash.

Liberal billionaire George Soros’ Democracy PAC and liberal…

Alexander Hall | March 23, 2020

If liberal fact-checker Lead Stories finds a fact that's inconvenient, it just ignores it.

Lead Stories, one of Facebook’s official third-party fact-checkers, failed to fact-check the contentious Democratic debate between former…

Joseph Vazquez | March 11, 2020

The liberal billionaire Godfather of the left is definitely not sitting on the sidelines this electoral cycle.

The left’s “flagship 2020 super PAC,” Priorities USA, is going to be providing cover via ads for the…

Alexander Hall | March 9, 2020

An embarrassing clip of Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden stammering during a speech has been spun by liberal media as “manipulated media.”

Former Vice President Biden was caught on video seemingly endorsing…

Alexander Hall | January 17, 2020

Facebook has taken some free speech stances that drew heavy criticism from fellow Big Tech companies, liberal commentators, and now the Democratic primary frontrunner.

Former Vice President Joe Biden told The New York Times editorial…

Joseph Vazquez | November 21, 2019

The New York Times conceded a crucial point that flies in the face of liberals who want to tax the ultra-rich and redistribute wealth.

The Times stated Nov. 19 in a piece headlined “How Democrats Would Tax High-Income Professionals…

Corinne Weaver | November 21, 2019

Liberals complain about Big Tech platforms that allow for free and unfettered speech in political advertising. It seems as though some of these companies are listening.

Google announced on Nov. 20 that it was restricting microtargeting on…

Corinne Weaver | November 21, 2019

A Twitter account that had been previously retweeted by President Trump was censored by the platform.

Breaking News Live News had tweeted a story about Hunter Biden, former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, on Nov. 20. Two hours later…

Corinne Weaver | October 18, 2019

The left was not pleased with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to promote the value of “free expression.”

After Zuckerberg gave a speech at Georgetown University, where he disavowed expanding the definition of…

Corinne Weaver | October 9, 2019

Facebook is standing by its new approach to political advertising, despite sharp criticism from the left.

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign asked Facebook to remove President Trump’s ad on Oct. 8,…

Joseph Vazquez | August 1, 2019

It turns out many Google’s employees are fans of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). They are happily donating thousands to support their campaigns, even though both presidential candidates want to break up their…

Joseph Vazquez | July 29, 2019

Not only did NBC debate moderators give California Sen. Kamala Harris extra time during its June debate, it turns out twelve executives from NBC Universal and parent company Comcast gave her campaign cash too.

NBC was ready to…

Joseph Vazquez | July 12, 2019

Newly released financial documents showed Former Vice President Joe Biden earned $15.6 million since he left office in 2016. Being rich in an era of left-wing anger toward the wealthy, might hurt his ‘Middle-Class Joe’ persona.

Joseph Vazquez III | June 6, 2019

Democratic presidential front-runner, former Vice President Joe Biden gave Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New Deal a big bear hug, with the release of his 22-page climate plan June 4.

The Atlantic called it a “mini green…

Corinne Weaver | May 22, 2019

While Democrats ironically call for Facebook to be broken up, one would never know from looking at their campaign receipts.

In the course of 22 days, Democrats running for president have outspent Trump on social media ads by 5-to-1. Axios…

Corinne Weaver | May 14, 2019

In order to win the hearts and votes of liberals everywhere, Democratic presidential candidates are now saying that they will break up or regulate Facebook.

After Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes wrote an May 9 op-ed calling for Facebook…

Alexander Hall | April 24, 2019

On Wednesday, it was announce that liberal actress Kathy Griffin is hosting the Shorty Awards, the online social media awards show with a heavily liberal slant. 

Even by Hollywood standards, these awards appear remarkably politicized…