Heritage Foundation

Catherine Salgado | December 1, 2021

The Heritage Foundation technology policy research fellow Kara Frederick in congressional hearing testimony cited Media Research Center ground-breaking analysis on the political impacts of Big Tech’s censorship, including how Big Tech stole the…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 22, 2021

It’s Week Four of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week, we talked about how much Big Tech likes blocking advertisements and promotions for groups, people and content that they don't support --- conservative content. …

Catherine Salgado | September 16, 2021

Amazon sells Hitler’s Mein Kampf, but blocked an advertisement for an investigative book on Black Lives Matter leaders, citing “controversial” content. The platform later claimed to have made an “error” and is now allowing the book to be…

Alexander Hall | September 15, 2021

Americans have become quite suspicious of Big Tech’s influence. A recent survey reported on by Breitbart News revealed that three-quarters of American citizens believe that Big Tech companies avoid regulation by using their power to influence…

Alexander Hall | September 2, 2021

In an attempt to land a knockout punch on Big Tech’s chin, the Texas Senate and House have passed a new bill that awaits Governor Greg Abbott’s (R) signature. The bill’s goal: to stop platforms from censoring users over their viewpoints.

Autumn Johnson | August 8, 2021

At least eight GOP-controlled states have passed bans on donations to election offices in order to deter Big Tech influence. 

Last year, Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg donated $400 million to election offices during the…

Alec Schemmel | June 28, 2021

Facebook continues to allow China to lie to the world about its human rights violations against Uyghurs, while simultaneously banning the former president of the United States from its platform.

Experts in the fields of tech policy, human…

Autumn Johnson | May 4, 2021

The Heritage Foundation has promised to no longer to accept financial support from Big Tech companies so long as the platforms suppress conservative viewpoints. 

Heritage previously rejected a $225,000 donation from Google and…

Joseph Vazquez | March 12, 2021

The taxpayer-funded National Public Radio (NPR) put its left-wing bent on full display when it did cheerleading for President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic equivalent of a sugar binge.

Enjoy the high, America.

NPR chief…

Joseph Vazquez | February 18, 2021

A coalition of three conservative groups launched a multimillion dollar ad campaign to expose to America why President Joe Biden’s inaugural call for “unity” was a leftist joke.

The Judicial Crisis Network (JCN), Heritage Action…

Kayla Sargent | November 2, 2020

Americans across the nation are waiting with bated breath for the results of the presidential election, but one group may take matters into its own hands if Trump isn’t defeated — and Big Tech hasn’t done anything about it. 

Alexander Hall | June 8, 2020

The most radical member of Facebook’s new Oversight Board just showed herself to be even more unhinged than many feared. 

Tawakkol Karman, a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, announced in a June 7 tweet amidst international…

Alexander Hall | April 29, 2020

YouTube’s fact-checking panels will now be launched in America after being tested in India.

YouTube’s chief product officer Neal Mohan, was quoted in The Verge’s April 28 coverage explaining that “When users are…

Corinne Weaver | December 4, 2019

YouTube defines itself as an “open video platform,” where videos that don’t break the rules are free to flourish. But a new blog from the company contradicts its own statement.

“The Fours Rs of Responsibility, Part…

Joseph Vazquez | December 3, 2019

If the left’s ongoing conniptions on climate change haven’t proven hysterical enough, former Obama Secretary of State John Kerry decided to launch a bipartisan “World War Zero” coalition on climate change.

Some of…

Alexander Hall | December 2, 2019

YouTube took down more than 300 ads from President Donald Trump’s election campaign in what is only the latest example of the company fighting with the right.

CBS News reportedly “found that over 300 video ads were taken down…

Alexander Hall | December 2, 2019

60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl visited YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California to have a scorching interview with YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki over free speech controversies online.

Stahl opened the episode by saying that…

Alexander Hall | November 5, 2019

The Heritage Foundation released a video that blasts the biggest video platform on the net for alleged censorship.

This video is “the first public acknowledgment of a months-long, behind-the-scenes dispute” between the…

Corinne Weaver | August 27, 2019

A study from Cornell University claims YouTube channels that feature prominent conservative figures are “infecting” users with alt-right beliefs.

“Auditing Radicalization Pathways on YouTube,” written by five academics, concluded that “…

Corinne Weaver | August 23, 2019

The Facebook conservative audit conducted by former Republican senator Jon Kyl did very little to address concerns of censorship. The social media company only changed half a policy in response to the audit. Now Kyl is defending his…