Jeffrey Clark | May 27, 2022

The attorney general of Kentucky joined a growing chorus of voices exposing environmental, social and governance standards as politically motivated, anti-free market, anti-family and plain old woke nonsense. 

“There is an increasing…

Jeffrey Clark | May 13, 2022

Fox News host Tucker Carlson ripped President Joe Biden for being willing to blame anything but himself for the sky-high gas prices and inflation crippling the American economy. Carlson blasted Biden on the May 12 edition of Tucker Carlson…

Jeffrey Clark | May 12, 2022

A former White House economist took the Federal Reserve to task for failing to curb inflation while media leftists rushed to excuse Biden for worsening gas and food prices.Kevin Hassett, who served as chairman of the White House Council of…

Catherine Salgado | May 11, 2022

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) slammed the new Disinformation Governance Board on Fox News. “[W]e arrive at the truth through disputation,” Paul said during the interview. “Anybody who says we can do it by edict is somebody completely unaware of the…

Jeffrey Clark | May 10, 2022

A senior government official excoriated the Department of Homeland Security's new Disinformation Governance Board as Orwellian, a threat to liberty and even a “dumpster fire.”  

FCC commissioner Brendan Carr appeared on the May…

Joseph Vazquez | October 28, 2021

Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe reportedly bought ads promoting what Fox News called a “fake news” website to boost his image on social media. And the broadcast evening news shows censored it.

Fox News reported Oct. 27…

Joseph Vazquez | September 22, 2021

Climate activist James Murdoch gave at least $1 million to a group fighting to undermine state oversight of elections. That same group also backed Big Tech censorship against former President Donald Trump.

Murdoch — the estranged son of…

Katie Yoder | August 27, 2018

Both the media and liberal billionaire Tom Steyer are preoccupied with the potential for President Donald Trump’s impeachment, according to Fox News hosts and MRC’s Dan Gainor.

“Remember going back even before he took…

NB Staff | October 23, 2017

The media want to ignore Hillary Clinton and the Russian uranium deal because “it defies what they want to talk about,” according to MRC’s Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor.

Appearing on Fox and Friends…