Tom Olohan | January 23, 2024

After relentlessly pushing environmentalism on businesses, ESG-obsessed Bloomberg News whined that flights may be too frequent and too comfortable. 

A Jan. 22 article for Bloomberg News headlined “No-Frills Flying Emerges as Travel’…

Tom Olohan | January 23, 2024

X owner Elon Musk made clear that the diversity, equity and inclusion agenda is a source of hatred and racism. 

During a conversation with The Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro at the January 2024 European Jewish Association…

Tom Olohan | January 17, 2024

The Daily Wire host Michael Knowles laid out the stakes of pursuing diversity equity and inclusion (DEI) in the airline industry. As expected, they are very high. 

During the Jan. 16 edition of The Michael Knowles Show, Knowles made…

Joseph Vazquez | January 15, 2024

The New York Times columnist David French has debased himself to become the Paul Krugman of the culture wars by being consistently on the wrong side of the argument.

French, the pompous NeverTrumper, lectured in his latest piece of…

Tom Olohan | January 15, 2024

Fox News host Laura Ingraham blasted the Biden Administration and woke airline companies for putting so many resources into woke diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives to the possible detriment of passenger safety. 


Tom Olohan | January 8, 2024

The wages of ESG advocacy have come due for BlackRock according to Fox Business correspondent Charlie Gasparino

Gasparino made clear that BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s obsession with pushing radical Environmental, Social and Governance…

Tom Olohan | January 3, 2024

Hours after Harvard’s president resigned over plagiarism and campus anti-Semitism accusations, a liberal Harvard donor acknowledged the leftist ideology behind the recent explosion in campus antisemitism.

Billionaire hedge-fund manager…

Tom Olohan | December 29, 2023

Independent journalist Tucker Carlson tore into IBM CEO Arvind Krishna for promoting racism in pay and hiring at his company. 

Carlson called out Krishna for supporting “racial fascism” on the Dec. 28 edition of his show after…

Tom Olohan | December 15, 2023

The Daily Wire host Matt Walsh declared that "the Bud Light boycott is still on,” after Dana White called for conservatives to drink the woke company’s beer. 

On the Dec. 13 edition of The Matt Walsh Show, Walsh explained that the…

Craig Bannister | December 15, 2023

Liberal media are declaring Bidenomics a success – but, hard numbers tell a much different story, regardless of whether the measure is how much Americans are paying, earning or saving.

Gas prices:

While gas prices held steady…

Tom Olohan | December 13, 2023

Old Glory Bank Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer Eric Ohlhausen responded to a Bloomberg article on net-zero banks in an exclusive interview, saying that both U.S. and foreign banks are working to clamp down on farmers in the name of lower…

Tom Olohan | December 5, 2023

Twitter Files journalist Michael Shellenberger rebuked leftist billionaires who oppose both popular sources of energy and their most effective replacements during a conversation with independent journalist Tucker Carlson. 

Tom Olohan | November 29, 2023

An organization funded by a leftist billionaire recently published a report smearing donors to political and media groups on the right. 

The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) Research Director David Armiak published an article on…

Joseph Vazquez | November 22, 2023

Forbes is taking the Thanksgiving season to wokescold companies on why they should “decenter whiteness” in their workplaces. Yes, you read that right.

Forbes’ racist Nov. 19 post of its propaganda on X spoke for itself: “3 Ways To…

Tom Olohan | November 21, 2023

The Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro put recent comments by X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk into context while asserting that Musk’s critics routinely ignore egregious anti-Semitism. 

During the Nov. 16 edition of The Ben…

Joseph Vazquez | November 14, 2023

Ultimate Fighting Championship CEO Dana White joined the This Past Weekend podcast and reminisced about where he told a woke corporate sponsor who didn’t like his pro-Trump social media post to shove it.

White clearly had it with woke…

NB Staff | November 14, 2023

A Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Chair at Google gave ordinary Americans a window into this toxic and racist ideology when she ripped into a departing colleague on social media. 

A day after a software engineer working for…

Craig Bannister | November 8, 2023

ESG-activist investment managers aren’t just hurting Americans’ retirement savings, their also likely violating antitrust laws, American Energy Institute CEO Jason Isaac testified at a House Ways and Means Committee hearing Tuesday.

Tom Olohan | October 10, 2023

Bloomberg News clearly didn’t learn the Bud Light lesson. Not only did the outlet celebrate the plague of corporate America genuflecting to the woke mob, it also omitted its own parent company’s role in shoving the same agenda down consumers’…

Tom Olohan | October 6, 2023

Independent journalist Tucker Carlson took a deep dive into how genital mutilation and chemical castration became a lucrative industry. 

During the October 4th edition of his show, Carlson brought on “investment banker and policy guy…