Renata Kiss | March 14, 2023

California’s woke Silicon Valley Bank went belly up last week, showing the inevitable consequence of ESG policies, according to HomeDepot co-founder Bernard Marcus.

On the March 11 edition of Fox News Cavuto Live, Bernard Marcus, co-…

Craig Bannister | March 14, 2023

A “Climate Modifier” bonus for top executives is among the tactics being used to advance the Royal Bank of Canada’s (RBC) environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals, the bank revealed Monday, announcing the publication of its 2022 Climate…

Renata Kiss | March 8, 2023

In an exclusive interview with MRC Business Vice President Dan Schneider, Woke, Inc. author Vivek Ramaswamy condemned ESG efforts and offered a free market alternative based “exclusively on an excellence centric vision.”

Ramaswamy warned…

Craig Bannister | March 3, 2023

On Monday, President Joe Biden vowed to veto a joint resolution working its way through Congress this week that would nullify the administration’s recent rule allowing retirement and pension fund managers to choose investments based on…

Joseph Vazquez | March 1, 2023

Energy journalist Robert Bryce blasted the liberal media for bypassing the nefarious agenda of the “anti-industry” movement in a new report detailing the billions that go towards crushing American capitalism and success. 


Craig Bannister | February 28, 2023

“The entire ESG scheme is designed to funnel your retirement money to the maniacs on the radical left,” Former President Donald Trump warns in a new video denouncing new Biden Administration rules allowing asset managers to invest in…

Joseph Vazquez | February 23, 2023

CNBC anchor Joe Kernen ripped the meaningless political theater by woke CEOs who pontificate about renewable energy to fight climate change but have no real sense as to how to fully transition away from fossil fuels.

United Airlines CEO…

Craig Bannister | February 20, 2023

A global asset management corporation handling total portfolio funds in excess of nine hundred billion dollars is now bribing its employees to make investment decisions that subordinate profit maximization to the advancement of environmental,…

Craig Bannister | February 17, 2023

From Disney to the NFL, a growing number of U.S. businesses are becoming public political activists – but, that’s not what most consumers who vote want, a new national survey reveals.

A poll of 1,092 likely general election voters,…

Joseph Vazquez | February 16, 2023

ABC’s, CBS’s and NBC’s premature abandonment of coverage of the environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio may have been a gambit to protect the leftist pro-environmental, social, governance (ESG) standard giants tied to the incident. …

Craig Bannister | February 15, 2023

ESG isn’t just bad for your pension and retirement accounts, it’s also a way for liberal elites to circumvent the Constitution and rob the American people of their ability to govern their country, Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis warned…

Craig Bannister | February 13, 2023

Asset managers are using Americans’ own money against them to impose leftist environmental, social and governance (ESG) ideology on them, at the expense of their pension fund and personal retirement account values, former Carl’s Jr. CEO Andy…

Craig Bannister | February 10, 2023

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen is demanding that the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) return all of the state’s funds currently being invested by NAAG.

Knudsen, who has left NAAG, threatened legal action if the…

Craig Bannister | February 9, 2023

Heritage Action and Indiana State Attorney General Todd Rokita have joined the ranks of those urging passage of HB 1008, a state bill to require that investments in the state’s public pension system be chosen based solely on their financial…

Joseph Vazquez | February 3, 2023

The House Subcommittee on Innovation, Data and Commerce hosted a hearing, headlined “Economic Danger Zone: How America Competes to Win the Future Versus China.” The problem? The witnesses consisted of a string of leftist-funded, Big Tech-backed…

Craig Bannister | February 1, 2023

Every Republican senator and Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) are introducing a resolution opposing President Joe Biden’s new ESG investment rule because it politicizes and threatens the value of Americans’ 401Ks.

Led by Sen. Mike Braun…

Craig Bannister | February 1, 2023

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commissioner Mark T. Uyeda says that establishing formal standards for rating companies’ adherence to liberal environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals and ideology could have Orwellian consequences.

Craig Bannister | January 31, 2023

A new Biden Administration rule took effect Monday, allowing retirement plan administrators (fiduciaries) to base investments on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals, rather than only on the maximum financial benefit of their clients…

Paiten Iselin | January 20, 2023

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon dealt leftists a dose of energy infrastructure reality on CNBC’s Squawk Box Thursday.

While leftists are busy calling for Americans to chuck their gas stoves off a cliff in the name of climate change, Dimon…

Craig Bannister | January 20, 2023

“Once upon a time, if it was a Disney movie, you knew it was going to be safe for children,” Media Research Center (MRC) Founder and President Brent Bozell says at the beginning of a new documentary, “Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom,” set to…