
Joseph Vazquez | September 25, 2020

Liberal billionaire George Soros had said the pandemic was providing a “revolutionary moment.” 

Now Project Syndicate (PS), a group both Soros and fellow liberal billionaire Bill Gates fund, is peddling a tyrannical proposal.…

Joseph Vazquez | September 18, 2020

For someone as infamous as Hanoi Jane Fonda to exploit the devastating West Coast wildfires to sell the Green New Deal (GND) is just par for the course. She’s used to pushing propaganda.

Fonda joined MSNBC blowhard Joy Reid on the…

Joseph Vazquez | September 17, 2020

Reuters is pushing an insane idea that eco-extremist activist Greta Thunberg could get the Nobel Peace Prize. 

In a story headlined, “A Nobel for Thunberg? In the age of climate change and virus, it is possible,” Reuters’ Gwladys…

Kayla Sargent | September 15, 2020

If you’ve logged on to your Facebook today, you may have already noticed something a little different at the top of your feed. 

Today, Facebook launched its new Climate Science Information Center, its third information center in the…

Joseph Vazquez | September 14, 2020

It didn’t take long for billionaire and failed presidential candidate Tom Steyer to resume peddling his climate change nonsense. This comes after he spent over $341 million financing his own campaign.

His new schtick? Selling the…

Joseph Vazquez | August 31, 2020

Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden just contradicted himself by claiming he was “not banning fracking.” Liberal outlet The Hill not only defended it but accused President Donald Trump of falsely stating Biden’s position. 

Joseph Vazquez | August 18, 2020

U.S. Interior Secretary David Bernhardt is set to approve oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Liberals and journalists lost their minds.

The Wall Street Journal reported that “[t]he Trump…

Joseph Vazquez | August 17, 2020

The Washington Post is pushing leftist talking points on climate change as Democrats prepare to formally nominate former Vice President Joe Biden for president.

Post energy and environmental policy reporter Dino Grandoni wrote a…

Joseph Vazquez | August 11, 2020

Washington Post owner and Big Tech mogul Jeff Bezos is looking to make good on his $10 billion “Bezos Earth Fund” eco-extremist pledge to fight climate change.

Vox Recode reported that “Bezos has quietly started a new company that appears…

Joseph Vazquez | July 14, 2020

It’s official: 2020 corporate America has gone bonkers. Burger King’s latest Twitter antics promoting climate change through a children’s video is just the latest example.

Popular fast-food chain Burger King posted a rank climate…

Joseph Vazquez | July 10, 2020

It’s the end of civilization. Again.

Eco-extremists in the liberal media can’t even give themselves a 10-year gap for their end-of-the-world predictions. 

The latest Time magazine cover declared that 2020 is our…

Joseph Vazquez | June 30, 2020

The leftist lunacy of The Washington Post knows no bounds.

Washington Post Climate and Science reporter Sarah Kaplan wrote a climate propaganda article masquerading as news. The story was headlined: “Climate change is also a racial…

Joseph Vazquez | June 26, 2020

It’s not enough for the leftist climate activist elites to promote their climate agenda in Big Tech company policies alone. Now Amazon has decided to infuse its climate agenda into the naming of a stadium to shove it into sports fans’ faces.…

Joseph Vazquez | May 27, 2020

What is it with liberal outlets and their apparent virtue-signaling obsession with eliminating meat from our diets?

The New York Times published a wacky op-ed headlined “The End of Meat Is Here.” In the sub-headline, author…

Joseph Vazquez | May 15, 2020

Sky News Australia definitely didn’t pull any punches in its criticisms of CNN’s nutty idea to put Greta Thunberg alongside health experts on a "coronavirus town hall" last night.

Sky News Australia’s The…

Joseph Vazquez | May 13, 2020

In a world ransacked by the coronavirus pandemic, CNN seems to think its viewers want to hear radical lefty teen climate activist Greta Thunberg’s opinion on the matter.

CNN sent out a tweet May 13 announcing the news: “Former…

Joseph Vazquez | May 11, 2020

After remaining relatively quiet this election cycle, the liberal billionaire globalist George Soros broke his silence in an interview to discuss the pandemic and attack President Donald Trump in the process.

In an interview with…

Joseph Vazquez | May 6, 2020

Environmentalists in the media often seem to want to move the goalposts on their climate Armageddon predictions.

USA Today ran a story headlined “Unsuitable for 'human life to flourish': Up to 3B will live in extreme heat by…

Joseph Vazquez | May 5, 2020

Another day, another Pulitzer prize given to The Washington Post for liberal content. This time, the prize was given for the paper’s reporting on climate change.


The Post’s media reporter Paul Farhi flaunted…

Joseph Vazquez | April 27, 2020

Leave it to a CNN correspondent to exploit his own son’s birth to push his eco-freakish politics in a cringe letter published on CNN’s website.

CNN Chief Climate Correspondent Bill Weir’s piece, headlined…