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If you’ve logged on to your Facebook today, you may have already noticed something a little different at the top of your feed. 

Today, Facebook launched its new Climate Science Information Center, its third information center in the last few months, following the COVID-19 Information Center and the Voter Information Center

Users can access the Climate Science Information Center at the top of their Facebook feed or as a tool. It appears as though Facebook “will continue to apply warning labels to demonstrably false information,” according to NBC News. By clicking the link, users will be redirected to information and pages promoting the existence of climate change. Otherwise, Facebook has released little specific information about how the new Information Center will impact users’ usual Facebook experience. 

The inclusion of this information center appears to be yet another instance of Facebook caving to the left's demands.

Just as recently as July of this year, several Democratic politicians had expressed “concerns over reports that Facebook is exempting climate change misinformation from fact-checking,” according to The Hill.

Facebook claimed in a blog post that “The Climate Science Information Center is a dedicated space on Facebook with factual resources from the world’s leading climate organizations and actionable steps people can take in their everyday lives to combat climate change.” 

"We believe a lot of our users are particularly interested in climate science," Nick Clegg, Facebook's vice president of global affairs, said in an interview with NBC. He added that there is "a very strong political push around the world for more action.”

Clegg reportedly claimed that Facebook “isn't trying to take a stand in any partisan political fight.” However, the platform’s track record suggests otherwise. Earlier this month, Facebook labelled a post from President Donald Trump about mail-in voting, and if that wasn’t enough, it also labelled a different post about the same issue earlier this week. The platform also censored Congressman Roger Marshall (R-KS), a licensed physician, for his post discussing CDC data about COVID-19.  

Facebook can claim to be nonpartisan all it wants, but the platform has consistently used its “information” centers to silence conservative voices on the platform.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact the FCC at 1-888-225-5322 and/or via the MRC’s FCC contact form to give your take on the petition filed by the Department of Commerce regarding Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996. Demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on “hate speech” and equal footing for conservatives.