
Joseph Vazquez | April 3, 2020

Insufferable New York Times opinion columnist Thomas Friedman is exploiting the pandemic to spew climate change drivel at President Donald Trump.

In an op-ed headlined “With the Coronavirus, It’s Again Trump vs. Mother Nature…

Joseph Vazquez | April 2, 2020
Yesterday was April Fools’ Day. Looks like a prominent liberal business outlet did not get that memo and fell prey to a major climate change prank. MarketWatch ran a story on April Fools’ Day originally headlined “Google will no…
Joseph Vazquez | April 2, 2020

Liberal media outlets were quick to shill for former President Barack Obama’s recent swipes at President Donald Trump.

CNN, USA Today and The Washington Post all pushed liberal spin stories elevating Obama’s tweet, which took…

Joseph Vazquez | March 25, 2020

Looks like eco-extremists in the liberal media aren’t the only ones who’ll use the coronavirus pandemic to push their climate change talking points.

Now, The Washington Post’s self-proclaimed “conservative”…

Joseph Vazquez | March 23, 2020

Multiple liberal outlets have capitalized on the coronavirus outbreak to push climate change propaganda. The essential message: Hey, at least pollution is down.

The New York Times, Bloomberg News and Axios all published stories touting…

Joseph Vazquez | March 19, 2020

Environmentalism seems to have entered into an extremely weird phase. A great example is lefty climate alarmist Naomi Klein trying to use the coronavirus pandemic to stoke fear and anger over capitalism in an eight minute and forty-eight second…

Joseph Vazquez | March 18, 2020

MSNBC just cannot seem to help itself.

All In host Chris Hayes sent out a flippant tweet in response to reports that the Trump administration will be asking Congress for “more than $800 billion in economic stimulus: $500 billion in…

Joseph Vazquez | March 16, 2020

When you see leftist propaganda touting that a contagious disease is reducing carbon emissions published in a top university’s tech magazine, one wonders why we continue to subsidize these institutions with government funds.


Joseph Vazquez | March 5, 2020

General Motors (GM) recently announced it was investing billions into a new eco-friendly “electric car” initiative to compete with the tech giant Tesla in an effort to go green, and tech media outlets are touting the change.

Joseph Vazquez | March 2, 2020

To most people throughout human history, more people consuming meat would be an unquestionable good. Inexpensive and readily obtained sources of protein and calories ease the daily struggle to keep body and soul together. But this is 2020, and…

Joseph Vazquez | January 10, 2020

Liberal billionaire and 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has no problem imposing big-government policies on the economy. Yet Yahoo! Finance decided to pull its punches in its reporting by barely critiquing Bloomberg…

Joseph Vazquez | January 9, 2020

It must be really hard to have to report a story that flies in the face of CNN’s hype over climate change.

CNN published a Jan. 7, story headlined “Glacier National Park is replacing signs that predicted its glaciers would be…

Joseph Vazquez | December 30, 2019

You know it’s a cold day in hell when a liberal outlet like Bloomberg Opinion is critiquing the left’s climate armageddon.

Bloomberg Opinion columnist Noah Smith explained how the “Worst Case for Climate Change Doesn…

Joseph Vazquez | December 27, 2019

The leftist media can get so cuckoo for cocoa puffs it burns! Literally.

Left-wing magazine The Nation published a bizarre article Dec. 23 against home ownership headlined “California’s Fires Prove the American Dream Is…

Joseph Vazquez | December 13, 2019

It looks like livestock production is contributing to climate change, and we need to hit “peak meat” by 2030 to avoid an “ecological disaster.” At least, that’s the idea CBS News is touting from “scientists.…

Joseph Vazquez | December 4, 2019

The liberal media-dubbed “patrician populist” Tom Steyer, who once decried “‘the corporate stranglehold on democracy,’” has continued to spend millions on liberal causes this election cycle.

Steyer is…

Joseph Vazquez | December 3, 2019

If the left’s ongoing conniptions on climate change haven’t proven hysterical enough, former Obama Secretary of State John Kerry decided to launch a bipartisan “World War Zero” coalition on climate change.

Some of…

Joseph Vazquez | November 20, 2019

When the liberal media starts relating their bellyaching over their man-made climate change narrative to an impending “collapse of the information ecosystem,” their propagandizing may have just made the latter a self-fulfilling…

Michael Morris | November 1, 2019

Having trouble breathing? Yeah, well, at least there will be less CO2 in the atmosphere, which reminded CNN to go after Asthma sufferers who use metered-dose inhalers.

Indeed, people who suffer from asthma “could sharply reduce…

Joseph Vazquez | October 30, 2019

As liberal media outlets continue to harp on their climate destruction narrative, Green New Deal proselytizer and self-identified democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) continued to dish out doomsday defenses of her…