Donald Trump

Joseph Valle | June 13, 2019

The current economic expansion could “make history” if it lasts through July, but Bloomberg BusinessWeek pooh-poohed its 10th anniversary saying “no one’s partying” in the June 10 issue.

Economics editor…

Alexander Hall | May 23, 2019

Palmer Luckey’s firing proves that even the most talented of tech wizards can be purged for wrongthink.

The founder of Oculus and a former Facebook employee, Luckey joked in a May 22 CNBC interview about his 2017 firing: “I…

Corinne Weaver | May 22, 2019

While Democrats ironically call for Facebook to be broken up, one would never know from looking at their campaign receipts.

In the course of 22 days, Democrats running for president have outspent Trump on social media ads by 5-to-1. Axios…

Alexander Hall | May 21, 2019

Both The New York Times and Washington Post blasted the free speech position taken by President Donald Trump last week.

World leaders, led by New Zealand, united around the Christchurch Call to demand stronger internet censorship. This…

Corinne Weaver | May 21, 2019

The academic elite behind the prevalent philosophy in tech censorship is ready to blame the GOP for pretty much everything.

A study produced by three Iowa State University and University of Kansas professors has studied the link between…

Corinne Weaver | May 15, 2019

The White House slammed both Google and Facebook over the First Amendment when it passed on a New Zealand plea for censorship of online content.

The Washington Post reported that while other foreign powers sign on to the Christchurch Call…

Corinne Weaver | March 28, 2019

The liberal media have long pushed Twitter to silence President Donald Trump. After much pressure, the company is considering giving them what they want.

In the Washington Post, Twitter’s head of Trust and Safety Vijaya Gadde said…

Alexander Hall | March 25, 2019

Big Tech has tried to shut down conspiracy theories online, but after the release of the Mueller Report on Sunday, bias watchdogs and conservative leaders are asking when RussiaGate will be treated the same way. 


Julia A. Seymour | March 14, 2019

As if searching for a way to criticize the late 2017 tax cuts, the broadcasts networks aired a series of panicked reports about tax returns in February. Roughly 80 percent of Americans taxes were cut by the legislation, yet the broadcasts…

Julia A. Seymour | March 5, 2019

Jobs growth has been one of the brightest economic growth points under President Donald Trump’s administration. Even the year after many economists anticipated the U.S. was “at or near” full employment, monthly jobs gains…

Julia A. Seymour | March 5, 2019

Job growth has been on a tear under President Donald Trump and the booming labor market helped narrow the unemployment gap for prominent minority groups. The networks just didn’t bother reporting it 95 percent of the time.

Since the…

Julia A. Seymour | January 3, 2019

Political watchers are well aware that former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is probably running for president in 2020. That makes his media empire’s attacks on President Donald Trump more concerning than ever.

The cover story of…

Corinne Weaver | December 4, 2018

Wikipedia is considered by many in the media to be “the Internet’s greatest store of knowledge.” But what happens when that knowledge is compromised?

The information library is under siege from hackers who radically…

Corinne Weaver | November 5, 2018

In the midterm cycle, Facebook is used as a platform for political ads paid for by different candidates. But while Democrats flourish on Facebook, Republican ads are blocked for “sensational content.”

On November 5, a day…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | August 28, 2018

The Trump administration is potentially considering taking action against Google for reportedly censoring conservatives, following a tweet by President Trump that accused Google of rigging its results against conservatives.

On Tuesday…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | August 22, 2018

While speaking at a rally in West Virginia on Tuesday, President Trump claimed the administration will stand up and defend people who say they are censored on social media.

“We are protecting, again, religious liberty,” Trump…

Julia A. Seymour | August 20, 2018

A businessman connected to Nathan’s Famous hot dogs is a close friend of President Donald Trump. His decision to host a political fundraiser for Trump on Aug. 17, infuriated the left, who responded with calls to boycott.


Julia A. Seymour | August 13, 2018

After already committing $110 million to his midterm efforts, California billionaire Tom Steyer said he would spend even more to turn out liberal voters in November.

At a Lansing, Mich., town hall on Aug. 13, Steyer announced he would…

Julia A. Seymour | July 31, 2018

After ignoring all three estimates of first quarter GDP growth, ABC, CBS and NBC found the second quarter estimate too good to overlook.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis announced on July 27, that the economy grew by 4.1 percent in the…

Julia A. Seymour | July 27, 2018

CNBC’s Squawk on the Street and viewed the latest U.S. GDP report as good news for the Trump administration.

The 4.1 percent second-quarter GDP estimate announced July 27, was the best quarterly pace in almost four…