Donald Trump

Joseph Vazquez | February 10, 2020

Liberal outlet The Guardian reported Feb. 10, that conservative donor Sheldon Adelson is allegedly gearing up to spend $100 million to help boost President Donald Trump and Republican candidates this fall.

The outlet used its reporting (…

Joseph Vazquez | February 7, 2020

The latest Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report found that the Trump economy is continuing to pump jobs into the market. And yet, still no evidence of the recession the liberal media have been howling about.

The most recent jobs report…

Joseph Vazquez | February 6, 2020

Forget the liberal media’s scrambling to throw cold water on President Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address. CNBC host of Mad Money Jim Cramer gave high praise for Trump’s economy, a major focus of the president’s…

Joseph Vazquez | February 4, 2020

Liberal billionaire “Godfather of the Left” George Soros thinks Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg should not be in charge of Facebook. Joining a host of others on the left, Soros fears Zuckerberg’s recent free speech…

Joseph Vazquez | February 3, 2020

Liberal NPR is getting some great PR during impeachment regarding its recent spat with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. The outlet recently boasted an increase in donations as a result of the whole kerfuffle.

Washington Post Media Critic…

Joseph Vazquez | January 22, 2020

Liberal billionaire 2020 Democratic candidate and Bloomberg News owner Michael Bloomberg said he’d have to “swallow two or three times” before he would “vote to convict” President Donald Trump.

But that may…

Joseph Vazquez | January 21, 2020

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) said Jan. 16 that President Donald Trump broke the law when he withheld aid from Ukraine. The union for that “independent, nonpartisan” agency naturally supports Democrats. Just don’t…

Joseph Vazquez | January 17, 2020

President Donald Trump’s economy continues to fly in the face of the liberal media and their recession hype.

A new Jan. 17 report by CNBC showed that “U.S. homebuilding surged to a 13-year high [16.9%] in December as activity…

Joseph Vazquez | January 17, 2020

Consumer confidence is the highest its been in nearly 20 years. And yet, a recent MRC analysis showed that liberal media networks only gave President Donald Trump’s economy less than one percent coverage on their evening newscasts over a…

Corinne Weaver | January 15, 2020

Even Facebook admits the 2016 Trump campaign benefited from the platform. But the liberal media try to interpret the use of a tool as something sinister.

State-funded PBS thinks both President Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin…

Joseph Vazquez | January 13, 2020

A new Media Research Center analysis found that the three major network evening newscasts only gave President Donald Trump’s booming economy and U.S. trade nine minutes of coverage since the House Democrats’ impeachment push began on…

Joseph Vazquez | January 8, 2020

The liberal media can pipe down now that President Donald Trump’s formidable economy is crushing it following his speech concerning the U.S.-Iran conflict Jan. 8.

CNBC reported Jan. 8 that “Stocks rose on Wednesday after…

Joseph Vazquez | January 2, 2020

For all the media brouhaha over an imminent recession in 2019, President Donald Trump’s economy has continued to stupefy prognosticators going into the new year.

The Wall Street Journal reported Jan. 1 in a piece headlined “…

Joseph Vazquez | December 6, 2019

While the liberal media continue their ongoing impeachment obsession, and with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) directing her chairmen to draft articles of impeachment, the jobs market and stock market continue to steamroll along.

Joseph Vazquez | December 5, 2019

At this point, it’s no longer surprising that the liberal media aren’t willing to give President Donald Trump an inch of positive coverage, especially when approval trends shift in his favor.

A new Dec. 2 report from CNBC…

Alexander Hall | November 21, 2019

Facebook has become more open to some policies that the right has fought for.

“President Donald Trump hosted a previously undisclosed dinner with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook board member Peter Thiel at the White House…

Corinne Weaver | November 19, 2019

In this era of civility, Google’s search algorithms are doing their part in keeping the peace.

Google Images, the section of Google Search where users can look for images, suggests images with any phrase or word typed in the box.…

Joseph Vazquez | November 18, 2019

Every once in a while, the liberal media is compelled to make a concession, even if it doesn’t serve their recession narrative.

Liberal outlet Bloomberg News tweeted Nov. 17 that “The stock market seems to like Donald Trump…

Alexander Hall | November 8, 2019

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was forced to eat a slice of humble pie after she lost a lawsuit over free speech. 

The far-left Democrat apologized Monday for blocking one of her critics on Twitter, and as the Wall Street…

Joseph Vazquez | November 7, 2019

The latest voice warning about the cost should Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) win the White House in 2020 is billionaire investor Paul Tudor Jones.

Jones predicted that if Warren were to clinch the 2020 election, “the S&P 500…