
Autumn Johnson | September 15, 2021

This week, conservatives have strongly pushed back on Twitter against the Federal Election Commission after it ruled that the social media platform didn't violate federal election law for censor a new story. The case centered on…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 15, 2021

It’s Week Three of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week, we talked about Big Tech’s refusal to accept anything that goes against their approved COVID-19 narrative. 

Web Superstar Joe Rogan posted an Instagram…

Catherine Salgado | September 14, 2021

Senator Elizabeth Warren wrote a letter to Amazon last week demanding that the company more stringently censor so-called COVID-19 “misinformation.”

Warren (D-MA) wrote her letter on Sept. 7 to Amazon CEO Andy Jassy warning about the…

Catherine Salgado | September 14, 2021

YouTube strikes again! In yet another move restricting local government transparency and open communication, the online video platform censored a video of a Livingston County, Michigan, Board of Commissioners meeting.

YouTube reportedly…

Alexander Hall | September 10, 2021

Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) signed a bill into law that will protect Texans from being censored for merely expressing their opinions online.

Texas may just be one of the freest places in America to speak online after its governor signed a…

Alexander Hall | September 9, 2021

This week, Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Chris Rufo was unverified by Twitter and reportedly targeted by a “Government-backed attack” after he allegedly exposed Critical Race Theory policies at Google.

Google, one of the world’s most…

Gabriela Pariseau | September 9, 2021

Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro made a bold move, marking one up for free speech in his nation. The embattled president signed a provisional measure that will make it illegal for Big Tech to arbitrarily remove legal social media content.

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 8, 2021

It’s Week Two of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week, we talked about Big Tech’s apparent discomfort showcasing anything pro-military.

Big Tech has been busy censoring conservatives while the world is in uproar over…

Alexander Hall | September 7, 2021

SECOND UPDATE: A spokesperson for Twitter reportedly claimed to Bloomberg that Vance's press account was suspended in error for violating its impersonation policy. UPDATE: The press account is now back online, but claimed in a tweet…

Autumn Johnson | September 4, 2021

On Friday night, website host GoDaddy informed Texas Right to Life's "whistleblower" site that has 24 hours to find a new home.

The website was set up as part of the Lone Star State's new abortion law to report medical officials and…

Casey Ryan | September 3, 2021

Big Tech corporations have increasingly censored more prominent politicians and celebrities as the woke executives in charge seemingly try to appease their radical Silicon Valley employees and the left. Online platforms targeted many well-known…

Alexander Hall | September 2, 2021

In an attempt to land a knockout punch on Big Tech’s chin, the Texas Senate and House have passed a new bill that awaits Governor Greg Abbott’s (R) signature. The bill’s goal: to stop platforms from censoring users over their viewpoints.

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 1, 2021

It’s Week One of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week, we talked about Shana Chappell whose heroic son was killed in Afghanistan on August 26th. Her heartfelt lament on Instagram regarding her son’s death granted her a…

Autumn Johnson | August 27, 2021

In a blow to Big Tech, Reddit is refusing to censor so-called “misinformation” about COVID-19, instead choosing to allow “debate, dissent, and protest.”

The online platform is well-known for its users who have anonymous usernames to…

Alexander Hall | August 24, 2021

Former President Donald Trump has demanded access to mainstream social media platforms once again. 

Trump made political engagement via social media an art, and he’s pushing for a grand reentrance onto the mainstream platforms. “…

Alexander Hall | August 23, 2021

U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy nagged social media companies for not doing more to censor so-called misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Murthy in an August 22 appearance of CNN’s State of the Union, the…

Heather Moon | August 23, 2021

A new Facebook report proved the @FacebooksTop10 daily list of 10 most-engaged link posts each day is wildly misleading, given that posts with the most views got far more engagement than posts on the list. 

Facebook’s recent Q2 2021…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | August 23, 2021

Welcome to CensorTrack with TR, a weekly video series about Big Tech censorship. The Media Research Center’s CensorTrack.org will publish the most prominent and worst cases of conservative censorship as well as document cases involving everyday…

Michael Morris, Alec Schemmel | August 20, 2021

Though the Biden administration suggested it would not implement a federal COVID-19 verification system, Big Tech has taken the reins and plans to step in as Big Brother. Google and Apple have announced updates that will allow users to display…

Michael Morris | August 17, 2021

Big Tech tyranny knows no bounds. Big Tech companies have gone so far as to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for their employees, but now apparently even that isn’t enough. Some of those employees are being required to show proof.
