
Alec Schemmel | August 13, 2021

Grabien Founder and Editor Tom Elliott “suspected this was coming.” Elliott said the company, which provides a suite of tools for newsmakers and curates its own original news content, had its YouTube channel demonetized.


Alec Schemmel | August 12, 2021

YouTube alternative Rumble is gaining traction among more than just conservatives. The video-sharing platform just welcomed a diverse group of big name voices.

Rumble announced that “eight nationally recognized thought leaders” would be…

Casey Ryan | August 12, 2021

President Joe Biden is at odds with the First Amendment. His administration has reportedly pressured Facebook for several months to censor Americans who post views contradicting the administration’s COVID-19 narrative.

The First Amendment…

Alec Schemmel | August 6, 2021

Apple attempts to position itself as a leader in privacy rights, but that’s just grandstanding. Apple has announced plans to search private pictures on its customers’ devices in an attempt to stop child abuse.

The resulting violation of…

Autumn Johnson | August 5, 2021

Blaze Media’s Allie Beth Stuckey was locked out of her Twitter account on Thursday after she tweeted that Olympian Laurel Hubbard is “still a man.”

Hubbard, a New Zealand weightlifter, is a transgender woman who competed in the 2020 Tokyo…

Casey Ryan | August 5, 2021

Former President Donald Trump and everyday Americans are now piling on Big Tech for their egregious acts of censorship. Trump has amended his lawsuits against Big Tech corporations and executives to include comments from what appears to be a huge…

Casey Ryan | August 4, 2021

Talk about Olympic-sized censorship. Google admitted that the platform demonetized a column from former talk show host Piers Morgan that merely criticized Olympic gymnast Simone Biles for abandoning her team at the Tokyo Olympic Games.


Casey Ryan | August 3, 2021

Big Tech corporations seemingly censor people for holding the wrong political views every day, with former President Donald Trump being the most notable case. But censorship isn’t just an American problem. Big Tech has targeted people throughout…

Casey Ryan | August 2, 2021

GETTR CEO Jason Miller fired back against Politico after the media outlet launched an attack against his new platform claiming that it is a hotbed for terrorist activity.

Politico reported that free speech alternative platform GETTR was “…

Kayla Sargent | July 30, 2021

House Republicans launched an effort to rein in Big Tech’s growing tyranny with an onslaught of new bills in a massive push to fight back against online censorship.

Republicans in the House Energy and Commerce Committee unveiled a package…

Kayla Sargent | July 29, 2021

Big Tech companies are using the new Delta variant of COVID-19 to implement Orwellian policies for employees before they can go back to work. 

Companies like Twitter, Facebook and Google are taking steps to force their employees to…

Kayla Sargent | July 28, 2021

Facebook decided to continue the company’s growth by seemingly any means necessary, even if that includes continuing its dubious development of a platform for young children.

The company is moving forward with its Instagram for kids…

Kayla Sargent | July 27, 2021

The GOP is fighting back against the Biden administration’s collusion with Big Tech to silence the American people on social media.

Nine GOP senators wrote a letter to President Joe Biden demanding answers for the White House flagging so-…

NB Staff | July 26, 2021

Big Tech’s Online Freedom grade actually got worse in the second quarter of 2021, despite an appalling first quarter report card with a grade of “F.” Facebook led the plunge to yet another “F” for the industry intent on censoring conservative…

Kayla Sargent | July 26, 2021

The Biden administration has continued its war against what it considers COVID-19 misinformation. Now it decided to frame the pro-censorship fight as a battle for “equity.”

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy panicked about the threat of…

Kayla Sargent | July 23, 2021

In yet another massive blow to free speech online, a judge has ruled against conservative commentator Candace Owens in her lawsuit against two of Facebook’s fact-checkers.  

Judge Craig A. Karsnitz dismissed the lawsuit from…

NB Staff | July 22, 2021

Over 40 conservative leaders have signed on to an open letter led by Media Research Center President L. Brent Bozell in calling on the federal government to cease its collusion with Big Tech. 

The open letter was first published as a…

Kayla Sargent | July 22, 2021

In its most recent display of absurdity, Twitter has suspended the Nation of Islam, but not for its history of racism against white people or anti-Semitism. 

Twitter suspended the Nation of Islam’s account reportedly after it…

Craig Bannister | July 21, 2021

Regardless of political party or platform, governments and social media giants cannot be trusted to decide what’s true or false or what speech should be allowed, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) warns.

Last Thursday, White House…

Kayla Sargent | July 21, 2021

Facebook censorship has grown like a weed in the recent past, but some users have now found themselves unable to discuss their hobbies without censorship.

The platform reportedly censored discussion of gardening tools in a group about the…