
Joseph Vazquez | February 7, 2022

Twitter launched a new tool that allows users to secretly downvote tweets to see how the company could “better surface the most relevant content,” the platform said in an email to MRC Free Speech America. Twitter will be able to poison tweets…

Catherine Salgado | February 4, 2022

“Intellectual Dark Web” leader, podcaster, and top investor Eric Weinstein slammed the Biden administration for pressuring Spotify to remove renowned podcast host Joe Rogan from the platform, tweeting, “This is an open war on American Values from…

Catherine Salgado | February 3, 2022

Facebook ousted a populist group of U.S. truckers protesting COVID-19 mandates despite calling itself a “democratic” platform. 

Facebook “VP of AR/VR” (augmented reality/virtual reality) Andrew Bosworth recently called his platform a…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | February 2, 2022

It’s Episode Twenty-Three of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about how when Big Tech censors the speech of prominent figures, they’re censoring you, too.

Big Tech is controlled by the left which causes…

Alexander Hall | February 2, 2022

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki called on music and podcast streaming platform Spotify to tighten its grip on speech to stop so-called “misinformation.” It’s a culture-war tactic often used by the left: Accept some subservience by others to…

Catherine Salgado | February 2, 2022

Self-appointed online “credibility” arbiter NewsGuard rates several U.S. media outlets as less reliable than several Chinese Communist Party-controlled state media outlets.

Media in China is almost entirely under the control of the ruling…

Catherine Salgado | February 1, 2022

The debate over the bipartisan antitrust American Innovation and Choice Online Act just took a new direction, as censorship advocates indicated that one provision could protect the free speech of Big Tech-alternative platforms.


NB Staff | February 1, 2022

The leftist ratings firm NewsGuard criticized a Media Research Center study of the site’s ratings, calling it “fundamentally flawed.” 

NewsGuard General Manager Matt Skibinski’s letter made multiple inaccurate claims about the study…

Catherine Salgado | January 31, 2022

Leftists called on Spotify to ban popular podcast host Joe Rogan over alleged COVID-19 “misinformation.” Rogan has interviewed doctors on his show who dissent from the left’s COVID-19 narratives.

Rogan’s enormously popular podcast “The…

Catherine Salgado | January 28, 2022

The leaders of media platform Substack responded to leftist censorship pressure with a strong defense of free speech. “I wouldn’t want someone to pick out my clothes for me, much less my ideas,” Substack executive Lulu Cheng Meservey said.

Catherine Salgado | January 27, 2022

The anti-free speech left is all but breaking out the champagne and party hats over YouTube’s permanent ban of Fox News host Dan Bongino.

The left appeared gleefully to celebrate YouTube’s permanent ban of conservative commentator Dan…

Gabriela Pariseau | January 26, 2022

YouTube appeared to hide rappers Tom MacDonald and Adam Calhoun’s new song “New World Order,” which challenged leftist hypocrisy on race, gender and a host of other issues.

The platform’s own trending label showed that “New World Order”…

Catherine Salgado | January 26, 2022

Three facts and you’re out? YouTube has permanently banned Fox News host and conservative commentator Dan Bongino.

The Fox News host reportedly attempted to upload a video to his main channel while YouTube suspended his secondary channel…

Catherine Salgado | January 26, 2022

Biased online ratings firm NewsGuard is taking its information war to schoolchildren through a deal made with the American Federation of Teachers.

School children depend on the internet for homework help. NewsGuard is now stepping in to “…

Catherine Salgado | January 25, 2022

Twitter and Facebook allow Russian state-controlled media to maintain verified accounts even as Russia prepares to invade Ukraine. Both sites ban organizations involved in violence. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump remains banned from the…

Catherine Salgado | January 21, 2022

Google reportedly increased its U.S. lobbying spending by 27 percent in 2021, as lawmakers began a push to enact new tech legislation to regulate the industry.

Google, which is owned by Alphabet Inc., increased its lobbying expenditures,…

Patrick Goodenough | January 21, 2022

A threat by Facebook to permanently shut down the account of the head of a leading Geneva-based non-governmental group prompted an outcry this week – and the tech giant reversed an earlier decision to take down a post for allegedly violating its…

Brian Bradley | January 20, 2022

Facebook and Twitter are doing nothing to curb flagrant disinformation spouted by President Joe Biden. During his press conference yesterday, Biden falsely claimed conservatives are already manipulating the 2022 midterm elections.


Catherine Salgado | January 20, 2022

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday that Big Tech censorship is the “single greatest threat” to “free speech” and “fair elections” in America. Cruz also called for legislation specifically targeting Big Tech’s biased…

Catherine Salgado | January 19, 2022

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer decides what bills come up for a Senate vote. But with Schumer’s daughters employed by Facebook and Amazon, antitrust legislation may go the way of President Joe Biden’s popularity: down into oblivion.