
Catherine Salgado | February 7, 2023

The Biden-supported G20 Summit endorsed censorship of “disinformation” last November and now Meta (Facebook) has partnered with a G20 campaign to make that censorship a reality on social media.

“We’re partnering with the Ministry of…

Paiten Iselin | February 7, 2023

On Tuesday, Twitter restricted Senator Steve Daines’s (R-MT) account when he shared a photo of himself and his wife antelope hunting — something he called their “Montana way of life.”

Daines thanked Twitter owner Elon Musk  for…

Renata Kiss | February 7, 2023

“[A]rguably, it’s as big a scandal as Watergate.” That’s how Joe Rogan described the liberal media’s deafening silence on the bombshell Twitter Files stories.

Podcast host Joe Rogan called the legacy media’s silence on the Twitter Files (…

Autumn Johnson | February 7, 2023

Don’t mess with Texas. Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) announced Monday that his state is implementing a plan to enforce its TikTok ban on state-owned devices. 

Abbott cited increased security risks due to the app’s troubling ties…

Catherine Salgado | February 6, 2023

Censorship loves company. Meta-owned Facebook and Instagram are the latest censors of Project Veritas, removing a video of Project Veritas confronting a YouTube executive over the video platform’s recent censorship.

YouTube removed…

Joseph Vazquez | February 6, 2023

A George Soros-funded group targeted Twitter owner Elon Musk for daring to interact with “right-wing accounts” following acquisition of the platform.

The leftist Institute for Strategic Dialogue spewed nonsensical agitprop in a Jan. 31…

Autumn Johnson | February 6, 2023

Last week, Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet (D) joined the bipartisan crusade against the Chinese Communist Party-tied TikTok.

Concern over the app’s troubling ties to the CCP has become increasingly bipartisan in Congress. Now Bennet, a…

Paiten Iselin, Joseph Vazquez | February 6, 2023

NewsGuard is trying to establish itself as the gatekeeper of the internet. But its claims of objectivity and neutrality vaporize under the light of scrutiny.

On this week’s episode of CensorTrack with Paiten, I exposed NewsGuard and its…

Catherine Salgado | February 3, 2023

The Canadian Senate just passed a censorship bill that has many worried about the future of free speech in Canada.

The Epoch Times reported that Bill C-11, or The Online Streaming Act, passed the Canadian Senate Feb. 2, meaning the…

Joseph Vazquez | February 3, 2023

The House Subcommittee on Innovation, Data and Commerce hosted a hearing, headlined “Economic Danger Zone: How America Competes to Win the Future Versus China.” The problem? The witnesses consisted of a string of leftist-funded, Big Tech-backed…

Renata Kiss | February 3, 2023

The American College of Physicians (ACP) vowed to combat the spread of alleged disinformation deemed a so-called “serious threat to public health” in the digital space. 

The ACP embarked on a mission last year to attempt to assert…

Catherine Salgado | February 2, 2023

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization continued its censorship campaign with an announcement of “global guidelines” in development to tell tech companies how to target “disinformation.”

UNESCO announced in a…

Catherine Salgado | February 2, 2023

Firearms video channels are moving their content to Rumble in the face of YouTube’s censorship campaign against gun accessory content as tracked by MRC Free Speech America’s unique CensorTrack.org database.

MRC Free Speech America…

Catherine Salgado | January 31, 2023

Despite Big Tech’s harsh COVID-19 censorship, the European Parliament apparently decided it wasn’t enough.

The European Parliament released clips of its January 30 meeting in a video titled: “The impact of disinformation, misinformation…

Catherine Salgado | January 31, 2023

Deja vu, America? Brazil is aiming to quash free speech with new legislation targeting online content that supposedly helps attack “democracy.”

Brazilian outlet UOL Noticias reported January 26 that the Brazilian government is considering…

Renata Kiss | January 31, 2023

State attorneys general are calling for the release of more documents to further solidify the case that the government worked with Big Tech to censor Americans.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff…

Gabriela Pariseau | January 30, 2023

UPDATE: Project Veritas shared a purported screenshot of an "'Urgent Guidance' document sent to employees on how to handle the [sic] Project Veritas." The document shows YouTube removed the video because of something Project Veritas founder…

Autumn Johnson | January 27, 2023

New Twitter Files show the pre-Musk, pro-censorship Twitter regime lacked “the guts to out” a watchdog group with ties to government officials that falsely labeled American accounts “Russian bots.” 

Journalist Matt Taibbi detailed…

Catherine Salgado | January 27, 2023

Newly revealed documents show government agencies used foreign intelligence and propaganda methods to censor Americans’ speech. Some of those same agencies have been exposed for collaborating with Big Tech platforms to censor.


Catherine Salgado | January 26, 2023

Meta announced Wednesday that former President Donald Trump would be allowed back on Facebook and Instagram in the “coming weeks,” and Meta’s largely international Oversight Board responded.

“Today’s decision to reinstate Mr. Trump on…