
Michael Morris | June 21, 2023

The House Appropriations Committee took an important step to restoring free speech in America, but today’s efforts are just the beginning.

Today, the House Appropriations Committee voted to zero out the funding for the Department of…

Tom Olohan | June 21, 2023

CNN got around to criticizing Big Tech, but only for the purpose of shaming Google for running pro-life crisis pregnancy centers ads.

CNN cited the leftist group Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) in an June 15 article criticizing…

Catherine Salgado | June 21, 2023

Twitter Files journalist Michael Shellenberger said the war on free speech has taken “the form of a world war.”

The Twitter Files and The Facebook Files showed direct government-tech collusion to censor free speech. MRC Free Speech…

Bethany Kawalec | June 20, 2023

No strangers to controversy, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and podcaster Dr. Jordan Peterson again face the blast of YouTube’s ire.

YouTube once again meddled in the 2024 election when it removed yet another…

Luis Cornelio | June 20, 2023

Plots to censor information are rooted in the left’s desire for power and control, Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO) warned in a fired-up speech.

Schmitt raised the alarm about the endgame of censorship and suppressing Americans’ freedom of…

Luis Cornelio | June 19, 2023

In yet another example of election interference, the leftist media are once again attempting a phony plot to ban The Joe Rogan Experience podcast from Spotify.

Joe Rogan, one of the nation's most popular pro-free speech podcasters,…

Catherine Salgado | June 19, 2023

The anti-free speech United Nations just came out with an extensive report pushing for action—ie censorship—from Big Tech and governments on “disinformation” and “hate speech.”

UN Secretary-General António Guterres announced on June 12 a…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 19, 2023

Rapper and podcaster Zuby interviewed Elon Musk and the pair discussed the crucial need for free speech in a well-functioning democracy.

During the over-hour-long interview, a determined Musk doubled down on his intent to protect freedom…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 16, 2023

CNN host Jake Tapper and Facebook “whistleblower” Frances Haugen lamented that Facebook has lessened its assault on free speech.

Haugen, a data scientist and former Facebook employee, went on The Lead with Jake Tapper to express concerns…

Luis Cornelio | June 15, 2023

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld called out the lunacy of the United Nations plot to fight global “disinformation” in a hilarious segment of his show Gutfeld!

The Fox News comedian blasted a  newly-unleashed United Nations (UN) report…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 15, 2023

Many have suspected an internal rebellion at Twitter against owner Elon Musk’s vision of a free speech platform. And now we have evidence to show that Musk’s moves to make Twitter more of a free speech platform have been successful despite…

Catherine Salgado | June 14, 2023

Twitter’s Community Notes slapped a “Context” warning label on an actual photograph of a miscarried unborn baby, trying unscientifically and inaccurately to claim that the depicted embryo was not seven weeks old. 

When pro-life…

Catherine Salgado | June 13, 2023

Anti-free speech Jack Dorsey just claimed that his pro-censorship tenure was generally characterized by “fairness,” and that the platform remains “the most important public square.”

Former Twitter CEO Dorsey went on the Breaking Points…

Catherine Salgado | June 13, 2023

Newly released documentation shows more private-public election interference. Leftist billionaire Pierre Omidyar did indeed finance 2020 election censorship, an effort tied to a government agency.

Independent investigative journalist Lee…

Tom Olohan | June 13, 2023

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is seeking new partners for “knowledge sharing” on artificial intelligence, which apparently includes a major geopolitical adversary of the United States. 

Altman, who also oversees the infamous ChatGPT AI…

Catherine Salgado | June 9, 2023

President Joe Biden’s Justice Department reportedly tried to coerce a university to delay the release of records that would blow the lid off of its censorship activities.

Independent investigative journalist Lee Fang reported that senior…

Heather Moon | June 8, 2023

The Oversight Board for Facebook and Instagram parent company Meta plans to announce three abortion-related posts that have been censored, looking at whether pro-abortion Meta platforms are stifling debate about the issue. But it doesn’t require…

Catherine Salgado | June 7, 2023

The latest Twitter Files suggest the FBI helped Ukrainian intelligence in an effort to encourage Twitter to censor users, even American journalists.

The Grayzone News host Aaron Maté unleashed the latest installment of The Twitter Files…

Joseph Vazquez | June 7, 2023

Just as CNN didn't blink twice when it described "fiery but mostly peaceful protests" in 2020, the joke of a media outlet is telling Twitter Files readers "don't believe your lying eyes" when it comes to Big Tech-Big Government censorship…

Bethany Kawalec | June 7, 2023

After years of shamelessly censoring discussions of the 2020 presidential election, YouTube has changed its election misinformation policy, but the damage has already been done.

YouTube announced Friday that the platform “will stop…