
Tom Olohan | November 21, 2023

The Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro put recent comments by X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk into context while asserting that Musk’s critics routinely ignore egregious anti-Semitism. 

During the Nov. 16 edition of The Ben…

Autumn Johnson | November 21, 2023

Elon Musk, the owner of the “X” platform (formerly known as Twitter), said his team will do “whatever it takes” to support the free speech of its users.

Musk’s comments were in response to a report from the Financial Times detailing X’s…

Catherine Salgado | November 20, 2023

Twitter Files investigations uncovered biased ratings firm NewsGuard’s pitch bragging of government ties.

Journalist Lee Fang explained in collaboration with RealClearInvestigations Nov. 15 that the Twitter Files unearthed a pitch from…

Gabriela Pariseau | November 16, 2023

New Twitter Files affirm the House Judiciary report exposing the Department of Homeland Security’s election-interfering censorship operations.

Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi dug into Twitter’s internal communications showing that…

Luis Cornelio | November 16, 2023

The Department of Defense may soon have its dystopian efforts come to a screeching halt after a lawmaker offered an amendment to the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) barring government censorship collusion.

Rep. Richard…

Catherine Salgado | November 15, 2023

A Finnish court just dismissed all charges against lawmaker Päivi Räsänen, who was targeted for stating Biblical truths online.

Back in 2019, Räsänen, a Finnish Member of Parliament, tweeted criticism of her Christian denomination and its…

Dan Schneider | November 15, 2023

Who is the better person, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi or newly minted Speaker Mike Johnson? Google’s artificial intelligence tool, Bard, has answers that might surprise those unfamiliar with the company’s long history of left-wing…


George Soros — the most notorious leftist billionaire in American politics — has chosen a successor to take over his $25-billion nonprofit empire. Thirty-seven-year-old Alex Soros is replacing his father and, based on…

Catherine Salgado | November 14, 2023

In an intensely ironic move, Vimeo censored a talk from The Babylon Bee CEO about censorship.

The Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon spoke at the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s Restoration Weekend. During his speech, Dillon discussed Big Tech’s…

Luis Cornelio | November 14, 2023

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) unleashed a scathing rebuke against the communist Chinese government-tied TikTok app in a new interview with The Epoch Times.

Cruz ripped TikTok, calling it a tool of “espionage” designed to spy on its users during…

Luis Cornelio | November 13, 2023

Former President Barack Obama hilariously portrayed himself as practically a free speech “absolutist” while also shilling for Big Tech platforms to censor content on The Verge's Decoder podcast last week.

Obama told The Verge Editor-in-…

Catherine Salgado | November 13, 2023

Tech giant Google not only invests heavily in the suppression of free speech, it reportedly spends billions on preventing users from using other search engines.

As Google faces an ongoing antitrust lawsuit, The Washington Post reported on…

Gabriela Pariseau | November 10, 2023

Veterans fought and gave their lives to preserve the First Amendment rights of U.S. citizens. However, Big Tech is set on taking those rights away from the very people who fought to defend them. 

Over the years Big Tech has censored…

Tom Olohan | November 10, 2023

Fox News contributor and investigative journalist Sara Carter slammed Big Tech and the legacy media during an interview with MRC Free Speech Vice President Dan Schneider on the latest episode of MRC UnCensored. 

Over the course of…

Luis Cornelio | November 10, 2023

A bipartisan duo of lawmakers held a press conference calling on the Department of Justice to formally slap Al Jazeera-owned AJ+ and communist Chinese government-tied TikTok as foreign agents under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Catherine Salgado | November 9, 2023

The Ingraham Angle on Wednesday featured MRC Free Speech America’s exclusive research exposing Google’s election-interfering search engine bias.

MRC Free Speech America published its latest research on Nov. 8 showing that Google’s search…

Gabriela Pariseau | November 9, 2023

MRC President Brent Bozell and Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi sounded the alarm on the precarious state of free speech online as leftist elites embrace censorship and AI.

During an exclusive MRC interview, Taibbi told Bozell that…

Tom Olohan | November 9, 2023

The Daily Wire host Matt Walsh tore into the anti-free speech firm NewsGuard after one of its employees reached out to him about so-called “misinformation.”

Walsh wrote in a Nov. 8 post that an employee of NewsGuard, a website ratings…

Luis Cornelio | November 9, 2023

Bomb shelters across Israel and near the Gaza Strip are fully displayed on Google Maps, while no such shelters are shown in Ukraine, an MRC Free Speech America search found.

As Israel defends itself from the Gaza-based Hamas terror group…

Tom Olohan | November 8, 2023

Multiple Republican candidates referred to TikTok as a corrupting influence and threat to Americans’ data privacy Wednesday night, while several called for a complete ban.

At the third Republican presidential debate on Nov. 8, radio talk…