June 1, 2007
The tuberculosis scare led all three major network news broadcasts on May 31. But CBS “Evening News” pointed fingers at one of the network’s favorite targets, the pharmaceutical industry.
May 31, 2007
With Al Gore’s global-warming-hysteria “Live Earth” concerts looming, the May 31 issue of The Washington Post reflected upon a similar effort in the late 1970s. In 1979, David Fenton organized an event call “No Nukes,” a…
May 30, 2007
Gas prices are declining, but you wouldn’t know that by watching network news.
The May 30 edition of the USA Today reported gas prices were dropping according to two major indicators – the…
May 30, 2007
It’s déjà vu all over again. Rising gas prices and oil companies’ “record profits” fuel an almost yearly call for investigations into “price gouging.” The media then complain of alleged wrongdoing and fail to ask intelligent…
May 30, 2007
They say even a broken clock is right twice a day. The mainstream media aren’t quite that good when it comes to gas prices.
It took them 26 years to get it right. Rip Van Winkle woke up in less time.
March 1981, right in the midst…
May 30, 2007
Spread Suspicion of Gas Gouging
How many investigations…
May 25, 2007
Health insurance is one of the main issues for the 2008 presidential race, and CBS has started its left-leaning coverage early – timing it with the beginning of hype about Michael Moore’s new health insurance movie, “Sicko…
May 23, 2007
“American Morning” featured all manner of climate calamity.
The May 23 edition of CNN’s morning show included a segment about the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA…
May 23, 2007
on the Great American Cookout
Drop the spatula and step away from the…
May 23, 2007
What’s on your menu this Memorial Day weekend?
If you thought about grilled steaks, barbequed chicken, burgers, hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad, deviled eggs, chips, cake, soda or beer,…