August 15, 2007
What’s been going on in the stock market?
CNBC’s Jim Cramer said “Armaggedon.” Chris Cuomo said it was “crashing.”
ABC’s Charles Gibson hailed “the most…
August 15, 2007
In the latest CEO hot-seat interview, NBC’s Meredith Vieira asked Northwest CEO Douglas Steenland to guarantee that nothing would ever mess with his airline’s flights again.
“Do you fly to San…
August 15, 2007
It has been a topsy-turvy few weeks for the stock markets, as fear of tightening credit markets fueled by prime and subprime mortgage woes have frightened the news media. The business media have been alternately hysterical and calm about the…
August 15, 2007
Ups and Downs on Wall Street Send Journalists Panicking…
August 14, 2007
With gas prices dropping for more than three weeks, you’d think it would be hard for the media to complain. Down nearly 24 cents since last year and 29 cents since last month, things are getting better at the pump. But…
August 13, 2007
In the media frenzy over housing and the markets, ABC’s Chris Cuomo broke new ground August 13. His “Good Morning America” report about the “drama on Wall Street” disparaged the stock market – a market he said was “crashing…
August 13, 2007
Who’s to blame for flight delays? Certainly not faulty government programs, says the “CBS Evening News.”
“Sheer misery … passengers on arriving planes couldn’t get off, stuck on taxi ways for up to six hours with little or no food and…
August 13, 2007
What’s happening to the stock market? One thing is certain – the network news shows have no idea.
The August 10 NBC “Nightly News” turned to ‘Armageddon’ soothsayer Jim Cramer. ABC “World News…
August 10, 2007
The media have found their new poster boy to rail against the coal industry.
MSNBC’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann,” but with Allison Stewart filling in for an absent Olbermann, had anti-coal…
August 9, 2007
Despite all the bombs thrown by media, News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch was still able to work out a deal for the Wall Street Journal. But, journalists almost kept it from happening.
“Murdoch also said…