June 10, 2009
General Motors is worth approximately minus $90 billion. That’s a negative net worth of $90 billion. Into which the president has put about $60-billion total, for 60 percent ownership on our behalf. We have traded plus-$60-billion for minus $54-…
June 10, 2009
Don't think that cap-and-trade legislation comes at a cost? Well, think again.
In a June 9 interview on Bloomberg as the U.S. House of Representatives was considering the Waxman-Markey bill, David Sokol, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc’s (…
June 10, 2009
Many have claimed the federal government was playing fast and loose with the rules surrounding its takeover of General Motors and the circumstances surrounding the selection of which dealerships would remain open and those that wouldn’t. Fox News’…
June 9, 2009
Editor, Baltimore Sun
Dear Editor:
Bravo for British ambassador Nigel Sheinwald's case for freer trade ("The peril of protectionism," June 8).
One clarification, though: he says that "our globalized economy has not come about by accident. It is…
June 8, 2009
“Evil despots.”
Neil Cavuto thinks Obama’s czars should be labeled what they really are: “evil despots accountable to no one.”
The host of “Cavuto on FOX” heaped this and other insults onto Obama’s czars during a Jun. 6 panel discussion…
June 8, 2009
It’s small wonder the fawning media continue to note how “confident” and “cool” the new president is in office. The Sun King has assumed the throne and found it to his liking. Barack “L’État c’est Moi” Obama is a company man in a company town – a…
June 5, 2009
Following a report on the rise in bankruptcies due to medical bills, “The Early Show” offered the Obama administration more free advertising for its health care agenda.Anchor Harry Smith interviewed controversial Health and Human services Secretary…
June 5, 2009
Editor, The New York Times
620 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10018
To the Editor:
Floyd Norris wisely warns against the unintended consequences of tax policy - in this case, a one-time tax break on overseas profits that backfired ("Tax Break for…
June 4, 2009
Once again, a widely publicized tragedy is being blamed on man-caused global warming.
Warming alarmists have often bemoaned air travel saying it increases the threat of global warming, but this time they’re blaming the phenomenon for the tragedy…
June 3, 2009
The government is continuing to encroach on freedoms more and more in the name of climate change. Case in point: An ordinance that went into effect June 1 stating if you sell your home in Austin, Texas and you fail to get a clean energy “green”…