November 25, 2009
According to Don Imus, it’s the late-1970s all over again, and not in a good way.
Imus appeared on the Fox News Channel’s Nov. 24 “Hannity” program and had some disparaging words for the current administration’s economic policy. He told viewers…
November 24, 2009
What’s hidden in health care reform that you haven’t heard about? Plenty. Without a news media interested in questioning the contents of the legislation, how could you know about the punitive taxes and job-killing provisions lurking in it?
November 23, 2009
Last week more 1,000 e-mails were leaked showing that climate change alarmists had colluded to exaggerate the threat of anthropogenic global warming. Media coverage has been scattershot, but Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., noticed.
Inhofe called for an…
November 20, 2009
Now that former CNN host Lou Dobbs has been freed of his duties with his former network, he has been making the rounds on other networks – Fox News “The O’Reilly Factor,” Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” and now with his long-time rival’s show CNBC…
November 19, 2009
Here they go again. Oppose regulating carbon emissions and either the media or the Obama administration is going to come gunning at you. Sometimes both.
An article in the Nov. 19 New York Times by John M. Broder scrutinizes the U.S. Chamber of…
November 19, 2009
The $1,000 bill has President Grover Cleveland’s face on it. The $100,000 bill has the dour image of President Woodrow Wilson.
We’ve already seen President Barack Obama attach his name and face to the $787 billion stimulus bill. And if the left has…
November 19, 2009
The new Obama administration Housing Justice Czar is describing the sweeping, new legislation proposed by the President. Let’s listen in …
“We obviously have great inequity in housing in America that requires comprehensive and courageous reform.…
November 18, 2009
Members of the self-proclaimed fastest-growing union in North America have started fights at town hall meetings, share office space with ACORN and spent over $60 million to elect President Barack Obama.The left-wing, 2.1 million-member Service…
November 18, 2009
Networks Ignore Alliances, Thuggery and
Lobbying of SEIU
of the self-proclaimed fastest-growing union in North America
have started fights at town hall…
November 17, 2009
Forget the stock market. Sure, the Dow has made a stunning improvement since January 20. The market has jumped from just under 8,000 to over 10,000 – a 29 percent increase.
But that’s not the place to put your money. Unemployment is outpacing Wall…