June 10, 2010
We all know the BP oil spill is a huge mess. It’s going to be costly to clean up – but just how much?
On the June 10 broadcast of Fox Business Network’s “Bulls…
June 9, 2010
When a protectionist law is enacted and nearly a century later it is inhibiting a recovery from major ecological catastrophe, it’s probably time to scrap it or at least temporarily waive it.
But instead a nearly century old provision known as the…
June 9, 2010
Make sure to die when an estate tax is in effect, or the New York Times will be upset.
In a June 8 article, Times reporter David Kocieniewski complained about an “accounting quirk” that allowed Texas pipeline tycoon Dan L. Duncan’s heirs to inherit…
June 9, 2010
Even the food police can’t catch every criminal.
At least that was the tone of a June 8 AP brief regarding a report by the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council claiming that the Food and Drug Administration is “stretched thin and…
June 2, 2010
An Associated Press article June 2 echoed the Left’s new talking point that small-government conservatives are being hypocrites when they ask for federal assistance during environmental disasters.
With the headline, “Conservatives seek gov’t…
June 2, 2010
If Jean Healge had been in “Mean Girls,” it’s safe to say she wouldn’t have been a member of The Plastics.
In a story light on facts but heavy on praise, CNN’s “American Morning” profiled Heagle and her two and a half-year quest to rid her life of…
June 1, 2010
If you think government has all the answers, you’ll certainly approve of this call.
Former Clinton Secretary of Labor and CNBC contributor Robert Reich has determined it’s time for President Barack Obama to seize the reigns of control from BP (NYSE…
May 27, 2010
Most probably wouldn’t think of Rolling Stone magazine as a primary source for information on something like financial regulation reform. However, if you listen to some of the left-wing talking heads like Ezra Klein, Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi is…
May 24, 2010
At first, Michael Mann, a Penn State professor and a central figure in the Climategate scandal, but best known for his discredited “hockey stick graph” didn’t like being mocked in a YouTube video. Now Mann is alleging he’s a victim of hate groups.…
May 19, 2010
If you listened to Barack Obama back during the 2008 presidential campaign, you may recall him explaining that words matter. According to leading climate scientist and M.I.T. professor Richard Lindzen, there is a good bit of wisdom in that, as it…