August 23, 2005
AARP vs. the Free Market on Drug Prices
Ignoring the simple rule
of demand in determining prices, news reports chide drug companies
for not…
August 22, 2005
Times Scares Readers with the Crisis Ahead
Magazine story describes
a Mad Max future based one the work of one author.
August 19, 2005
Missing the Point on Prices
Networks continue to hype
gas prices high above the national average, while the Post looks to…
August 18, 2005
Oil Prices Drop and Networks Ignore It
Continuing the media
trend of ignoring positive economic news and highlighting negative…
August 18, 2005
Obesity Battle Pops Up Again
Media rely on food
industry critics to explain beverage industry plan to limit soft
drinks in schools.
By Dan Gainor
August 17, 2005
ABC Plays The Old Skin Game
Networks half-baked
report criticized those who have fun in the sun.
By Dan Gainor
August 17, 2005…
August 17, 2005
Networks continue gas price hype
ABC does note the cause
of the problem is that businesses cant build new…
August 17, 2005
Broken records: Media repeat phony claim of all-time high gas prices
Major medias problem
with adjusting prices based on inflation adds to anxiety about cost.…
August 15, 2005
Social Securitys Retirement Date Long Passed
70th anniversary marked
by media spin on reforming the system.
By Dan Gainor
August 15, 2005…
August 12, 2005
Pain at the Pump
Schizophrenic media offer
full-service bias on the economy.
Charles Simpson
August 12, 2005…