February 27, 2008
Some in the media try claim that we are in the beginnings of a recession in an attempt to make the case for larger government intervention in the economy. It is instructive to consider an era when there was a truly severe economic downturn, the…
February 20, 2008
You know the presidential race is in full rhetorical swing when candidates are rallying people against a dangerous enemy of America. It’s time to play on the most basic of voters’ instincts: fear and hate.
The enemy in question has a…
January 30, 2008
What’s messier and more shameless than candidates campaigning to save the economy? Media coverage of that economy – the one all the candidates want to “stimulate.” The media coverage that’s driving people’s votes.
Despite journalists and…
January 23, 2008
Amy Robach, a daytime anchor at MSNBC, recently reported on the “Today” show that “everyone’s talking about a recession.” The Business and Media Institute found that the broadcast media mentioned the economy or a recession in 54 stories during…
January 16, 2008
Immediately after the Iowa Straw Poll last August, the noted and respected journalist George Will referred to the FairTax believers who supported Mike Huckabee as “those FairTax people.”
He made it sound as if the people who helped…
January 16, 2008
The good news is that voters obviously have some desire for a better tax system. The flat has been promoted by presidential candidates as diverse as Jerry Brown (1992) and Steve Forbes (1996 and 2000). This year, the national sales tax is…
January 9, 2008
Up or down? Nobody really knows, if you’re talking about the economy.
There are tons of predictions about what will happen in 2008 – everything from “recession” from much of the media to market maniac Jim Cramer predicting “sunny skies.”…
December 9, 2009
A number of business owners have let me know of their new annoyance. They’re taking umbrage. The Great and Powerful Ozbama has chosen a new demon: the small business community. Not long ago, the rhetoric was about the need to assist small business.…
December 9, 2009
What’s that hissing sound? Al Gore’s fuse? Steam coming from Barbara Boxer’s ears?
Probably, but mostly, it’s the sound of gas escaping the climate change balloondoggle. Assuredly, there’s no shortage of UN envirocrats ready and willing to plug…
December 2, 2009
On Sunday’s “Face The Nation” on CBS, Howard Dean, doctor, former Vermont Governor, former head of the DNC, stated that the Veterans Administration’s health care system is, in fact, a socialist system. Yes, he said that. And he praised it as the…