September 26, 2007
This fall’s new shows are serving up some juicy stories of the twisted lives of businessmen, from “Big Shots” to “Dirty Sexy Money” and “Cane.”
Everywhere you look on TV – whether it’s primetime dramas or the evening news – businessmen…
September 12, 2007
“Armageddon.” “Collapse.” “Recession.” The media have been crying wolf about bad economic news throughout the four-year recovery. Now that they finally have some legitimate bad news, you can expect journalists will huff and puff even louder…
September 5, 2007
The difficulties in the subprime lending market are beginning to generate a chorus for a bailout of the mortgage industry. The media emphasize stories of people losing their homes to foreclosure and potential panic as adjustable-rate mortgages…
August 29, 2007
You say you want a revolution?
OK, you don’t, but the extremists on the left certainly do.
A “green revolution?” A “health care revolution?” How about just a good, old-fashioned blood-in-the-streets kind of “revolution?” Economic,…
August 22, 2007
Imagine basing a country’s energy and economic policy on an incomplete, unproven theory – a theory based entirely on computer models in which one minor variable is considered the sole driver for the entire global climate system.
This is…
August 15, 2007
It has been a topsy-turvy few weeks for the stock markets, as fear of tightening credit markets fueled by prime and subprime mortgage woes have frightened the news media. The business media have been alternately hysterical and calm about the…
August 8, 2007
There used to be a delay between tragedy and people trying to capitalize on it.
Used to be.
But as terrifying and horrible as the I-35W bridge collapse is, it’s quickly become political leverage as tax-and-spend liberals line up to…
August 1, 2007
The scene is reminiscent of “Casey at the Bat.” It’s the ninth inning, two out and two strikes against the batter.
Still, somehow, Rupert Murdoch smacks the ball out of the park with one crack of the bat. Murdoch’s months-long pursuit of…
July 25, 2007
You can never be too thin or too rich.
That’s always been the case – until the mainstream media started counting. They like us all Hollywood-thin, but like our wallets that way as well.
Journalists set almost mystical limits on how…
July 18, 2007
The well is about to run dry.
That’s what the International Energy Agency said in early July. According to the Financial Times, “oil looks extremely tight in five years time.”
Why wait five years? Oil looks pretty tight right now.…