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Catherine Salgado | May 17, 2023

The newest Twitter Files defended Twitter CEO Elon Musk after Twitter complied with Turkish government censorship requests.

Musk went along with Turkey’s censorship demands leading up to the recent election there. Independent…

Luis Cornelio | May 17, 2023

Twitter owner Elon Musk is doubling down on his defense of freedom of speech, despite CNBC trying to grill him over his tweets.

In a CNBC interview Tuesday, Musk stood stunned when CNBC Squawk on the Street co-anchor David Faber asked why…

Tom Olohan | May 17, 2023

The OpenAI CEO inadvertently confirmed to Congress that concerns over AI becoming a digital god that could wreak havoc on the world are not hyperbolic.  

During a congressional hearing on Tuesday, Sam Altman — who leads the…

Heather Moon | May 17, 2023

The leftist censors at Facebook got triggered over an op-ed by a Vietnamese refugee who dared to sound the alarm on America’s border crisis.

Retired U.S. Navy Captain and former congressional candidate Hung Cao — a political refugee…

Joseph Vazquez | May 17, 2023

Forbes magazine had an absolute cow over Twitter owner Elon Musk calling out leftist billionaire George Soros’ nutty open society agenda.

Forbes railed against Musk for daring to criticize Soros and accused him of “closely mirror[ing]…

Catherine Salgado | May 16, 2023

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella ominously signaled that he’s giddy about the alleged opportunities to supposedly “retool” humanity with artificial intelligence technologies. Yikes.

Leading up to OpenAI CEO Sam Altman’s Tuesday testimony…

Autumn Johnson | May 16, 2023

A former executive at TikTok parent company ByteDance, Inc. has broken silence and made damning allegations against the Chinese Communist Party-tied Big Tech giant.

Yintao “Roger” Yu was reportedly fired from his job as head of the…

Tom Olohan | May 16, 2023

The First TV's No Spin News host Bill O’Reilly tore into the parent company of disgraced beer brand Bud Light for alienating customers with its nutty transgender nonsense.

On his show last Tuesday, Bill O’Reilly mocked Anheuser-Busch for…

Joseph Vazquez | May 15, 2023

Twitter owner Elon Musk’s newly appointed World Economic Forum-tied CEO for the platform recently tried to corner him into committing to reinstalling some of the same Orwellian censorship structures of the old regime. Gee, what a shocker (sarcasm…

Luis Cornelio | May 12, 2023

The anti-free speech YouTube app is threatening MRCTV for allegedly spouting “hate speech” against pedophiles. No, we’re not kidding.

YouTube “temporarily suspended” MRCTV’s channel Wednesday due to a “Community Guidelines” violation,…

Catherine Salgado | May 12, 2023

The First Amendment is clearly under attack. The Department of Homeland Security continues to use taxpayer dollars to target Americans’ speech.

“The Department of Homeland Security [DHS] is using hard-earned tax dollars to smear and…

Tom Olohan | May 12, 2023

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows have now gone two days ignoring an explosive congressional hearing blowing the lid off the dangers of ESG investing.

On Wednesday, the House Oversight Committee questioned Alabama Attorney General…

Joseph Vazquez | May 12, 2023

CNBC anchor Joe Kernen was fed up with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s (D-RI) attempts to shift blame for the ongoing debt ceiling debacle in Congress.

Whitehouse tried to put the onus on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) despite…

Tom Olohan | May 11, 2023

Three state officials took to Congress to debate the dangerous effects of ESG on Americans’ retirement funds, but that apparently wasn’t newsworthy enough for the woke activists at the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows who completely ignored…

Autumn Johnson | May 11, 2023

Self-proclaimed “Mary Poppins of disinformation” Nina Jankowicz has hopped on the bandwagon and is trying to sic the legal system on Fox News.

In a lawsuit filed in the Superior Court of the State of Delaware, Jankowicz claimed that Fox…

Luis Cornelio | May 11, 2023

Twitter exploded with reactions over former Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s decision to take his new show to the Elon Musk-owned platform.

Leftists are triggered by Carlson’s announcement that he will continue his show amid his abrupt…

Catherine Salgado | May 11, 2023

A leftist LinkedIn co-founder and Microsoft board member is practically drooling over risky AI tech, calling it “the realization of [a] dream.” Perhaps that’s because Microsoft is currently leading the race in that insidious industry.

Catherine Salgado | May 10, 2023

Talk about a cycle of insanity. Anti-free speech Facebook censored a report on censorship.

Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi took to Twitter on May 10 to expose how Facebook and its parent company Meta censored a Racket News report…

Tom Olohan | May 10, 2023

After years of stoking climate change panic, The Washington Post has finally drawn a line in the sand for eco fanatics when it comes to destroying art.

The Washington Post Editorial Board published a May 8 op-ed decrying several acts of…

Catherine Salgado | May 10, 2023

TikTok’s parent company ByteDance just got caught with a digital library of forbidden word lists used to censor people who decry its Communist Chinese overlords, according to a new report.

Forbes reported May 5 that TikTok’s parent…