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Nicholas Schau | July 13, 2023

On Wednesday, The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing to hold the FBI and the Department of Justice accountable. The committee grilled FBI Director Christopher Wray on federal law enforcement’s involvement in silencing Americans.

Nicholas Schau | July 13, 2023

“Climate Envoy” John Kerry spouted more eco-extremist nonsense in his trip to the UK, this time to the lefties at MSNBC.

Kerry, in his propaganda-filled interview on Ana Cabrera Reports at MSNBC, alleged that “the science” is indicating…

Joseph Vazquez, Tom Olohan | July 13, 2023


George Soros — one of the world’s most powerful and influential leftist billionaires — finally found an heir to his massive empire. Alex Soros was named the new leader of his father’s $25-billion Open Society…

Catherine Salgado | July 12, 2023

In congressional testimony Wednesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray stunningly boasted of his bureau’s supposed efforts to protect American free speech from Chinese censorship while blatantly ignoring the FBI’s own work to censor Americans’…

Luis Cornelio | July 12, 2023

The FBI’s defense of plotting with Big Tech company against the First Amendment is as dubious as they come.

The House Judiciary Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government held a hearing to hold the FBI and the Department of…

Tom Olohan | July 11, 2023

The radical heir to the Soros fortune and Chairman of the Open Society Foundations has found a ready ear at the White House. 

According to White House visitor logs, Alex Soros, son and heir of leftist mega donor George Soros, has…

Luis Cornelio | July 11, 2023

Tired of winning? Republican leaders are rejoicing over the latest free speech victory coming from the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit filed by the Louisiana and Missouri attorneys general.

Prominent Republican lawmakers are celebrating the…

Catherine Salgado | July 11, 2023

The leftist Washington Post had an absolute cow over new restrictions on government censorship efforts in a brazen defense of online election interference.

The Washington Post is crushed by a pro-free speech injunction restricting the…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 11, 2023

Whistleblowers say the FBI is not taking the recent free speech ruling U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty of Louisiana seriously, according to The Washington Times.

The Missouri v. Biden (2022) case, which cited MRC Free Speech America…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 11, 2023

The Twitter Files pulled back the curtain on a massive election interference campaign. Now, the House Judiciary Committee is set to grill FBI Director Christopher Wray and others about how the government colluded with Big Tech to censor Americans…

Luis Cornelio | July 11, 2023

As if the funneling of billions of taxpayer dollars wasn’t enough, the U.S. government also assisted a controversial Ukrainian government assault on Americans’ free speech.

A scathing new report by the Republican-led House Judiciary…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 10, 2023

The former leader of the defunct Disinformation Governance Board argued Saturday that the government doesn’t censor users it just makes it easier for social media companies to censor them.

MSNBC host Ali Velshi brought Nina Jankowicz his…

Luis Cornelio | July 10, 2023

U.S. District Judge Terry A. Doughty of Louisiana is the gift that keeps on giving.

Doughty rejected the Biden administration’s request to stay an order banning the federal government from colluding with Big Tech platforms to censor free…

Luis Cornelio | July 10, 2023

A leading 2024 presidential candidate promised to abolish the Big Tech-Government censorship collusion regime if elected.

In a Sunday interview on the Fox News Channel’s Sunday Morning Futures, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) pledged…

Nicholas Schau | July 10, 2023

A USA Today columnist broke the leftist media ranks in a scathing criticism of “Bidenomics” on July 6.

While other liberal outlets such as CNN run cover for President Joe Biden’s failed policies, USA Today columnist Ingrid Jaqcues drove…

Tom Olohan | July 7, 2023

After July 4th came and went without providing any relief to Bud Light’s cratering sales and stock price, The Daily Wire podcast host Michael Knowles gave the floundering company an ultimatum.

Knowles went after Bud Light hard on The…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 7, 2023

MSNBC’s Morning Joe guests Wednesday ludicrously complained that a recent ruling barring the Biden administration from colluding with Big Tech to censor Americans inhibits the free speech of the government. 

The Missouri v. Biden…

Tom Olohan | July 7, 2023

Despite overwhelming leftist representation in legacy media, a former executive from Soros’ Open Society Foundations seemed to show concern that Americans just do not hear from them enough. 

A group of leftist activists — including…

Catherine Salgado | July 7, 2023

After a judge issued an injunction restricting the government’s censorship activities, the Biden administration rushed to protest the pro free-speech decision.

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty of Louisiana granted the injunction due to…

Joseph Vazquez | July 7, 2023

CNBC’s Mad Money host Jim Cramer just can’t seem to ever catch a break in his favor. He made yet another premature prediction that ended up crashing and burning just hours later. 

Cramer predicted during the July 6 edition of his…