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Dan Gainor | October 14, 2004

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The media gave President Bush consistently negative press about perceived poor job creation and unemployment in the summer of 2004 but their reports were overwhelmingly positive when President Clinton ran for reelection in…

Dan Gainor | October 14, 2004

See Executive Summary

The media have hammered President George W. Bush on the employment issue despite 13 straight months of positive job creation and other good economic news. The October 8, 2004 jobs report was the latest evidence that…

| October 14, 2004

An Economists View Reporting Labor Statistics Correctly

Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. The George Munson Professor…

Dan Gainor | September 23, 2004
     The food police are looking to take a healthy bite out of corporate America. What is their beef? They think the food industry is making all of us fat. Are they recommending we eat less or hit the gym? Not…
Dan Gainor | August 20, 2004
     Former New England Journal of Medicine Editor Marcia Angell is promoting her new book attacking the pharmaceutical industry and urging added government regulations at the same time. She is already hitting the media circuit as hard as she hits…
Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr. | June 29, 2004
     Close on the heels of the TIME/ABC News Obesity Summit in Colonial Williamsburg, new research may have discovered the possibility that the increase in the numbers of obese Americans could correlate closely…
Dan Gainor | June 2, 2004

See Full Study

More and more Americans are obsessed with their weight, and the news media have responded with an abundance of stories about food and fat. But there’s more to the fat story than just giving the public more news they can use…

Dan Gainor | June 2, 2004

See Executive Summary 

It’s hard to turn on a television set and not be bombarded with news about fat — a new warning about the dangers of obesity, a new diet that lets you eat more while the pounds melt away, or the unveiling of a new…

Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr. | February 11, 2004
     Journalists are usually quite reserved about using the military as arbiters of scientific credibility. One may recall, for example, the outraged skepticism expressed over the Pentagons plans to study the…
Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr. | January 22, 2004
Two studies, one suggesting that 30 percent of US children surveyed reported eating fast food on at least one of the two days they were studied, the other claiming that our teenagers believe they are the…
Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr. | January 20, 2004
     Claims that global warming will cause mass extinction by 2050 were received with uniformly sympathetic coverage by media outlets. Newspapers in Britain, Canada and the United States featured stories…
Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr. | December 15, 2003
On Monday December 8 ABC offered a Primetime Special: Whos to Blame? Obesity in America: How to Get Fat Without Really Trying. Peter Jennings advanced the notion that assigning personal responsibility is the…
Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr. | December 5, 2003
Having already issued such gems as the following, we have to wonder why ABC is risking its glass house Monday night, December 8, palavering about how the obesity epidemic in the United States is the fault of…
Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr. | December 1, 2003
ABCs Meredith Vieiras offered viewers a look into the causes and costs of obesity without devolving into an indictment of those who produce and distribute food products in America. Instead, she took her…
Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr. | November 24, 2003
     In an article entitled: Alarms Sounded On Cost of GOP Bills; Lawmakers Increase Spending to Win Votes Jonathan Weisman continues his bleat to the effect that the federal government isnt collecting enough…
Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr. | November 20, 2003
     Conservatives have no problem letting the market rule, whether we are talking about ideas or the economy. Liberals, on the other hand, are only in favor of market-driven decisions when the outcome is…
Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr. | November 19, 2003

Safe Under Any Conditions? Offering young drivers a false sense of security

By Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr.  …

Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr. | November 14, 2003
     Well, who's to blame for the growing childhood obesity epidemic in America? According to a new report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), some of the biggest culprits are…
Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr. | November 10, 2003
     In October 2002 she was in Washington, protesting President George W. Bushs plan to go to war with Iraq. She was part of what the Village Voice called a sprawling mass of 100,000 individuals, families, and…
Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr. | November 7, 2003

For The Media, Blackout Was All About Blame While the nature of the energy industry has changed since 1965 we are no more dependent on reliable electricity than upon…