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Dan Gainor | April 22, 2005

When Greenspan speaks Post, Times dont even come close to agreeing on what Fed Chairman has to say.

By Dan Gainor April 22,  2005

Dan Gainor | April 20, 2005

CDCs Numbers Collapse Under Weight of New Study Analysis finds estimates of obesity deaths 14 times higher than reality. Center for Disease Control vows not to…

| April 18, 2005

Super Size Me Star Continues Anti-Food Attack; Will Also Target Religion in New Show Morgan Spurlock overate himself into stardom and took a bite out of McDonalds at the…

Dan Gainor | April 15, 2005

BBC Bothered by Capitalism in Afghan Capital Reporter details the dangers of free market economics because landowners make a profit.

By Dan Gainor…

Dan Gainor | April 13, 2005

CBS Plays the Victim Card and Takes It to the Bank Evening News criticizes controversial new fee after man overspends his account

By Dan Gainor…

Dan Gainor | April 11, 2005

Discovery Channel Blows Its Top and Its Credibility Network focused on devastating impact of true story of Yellowstone volcano that just hasnt happened yet…

Dan Gainor | April 1, 2005

See Full Study

Accounting scandals have become bread-and-butter stories for journalists. But one of the biggest accounting debacles in recent history has gone virtually unnoticed by the TV news. Fannie Mae, the government-sponsored…

Dan Gainor | April 1, 2005

See Executive Summary

It's a familiar story. An enormous company reveals its 'accounting problems.' The problems are found to be far worse than anyone realized. The CEO is forced to resign. Other high-ranking executives follow. The stock…

| April 1, 2005

Networks Hound Burger King for Launching Enormous Sandwich ABC and NBC shake their collective finger at the naughty peddlers of the new Omelet Sandwich.…

Dan Gainor | March 30, 2005

CBS Evening News Wakes Up to Find Non-profit Gets Funding Report criticizes National Sleep Foundation for drug industry financing, but ignores backing for…

Dan Gainor | March 28, 2005

CNNs Global Warming Special Typifies Liberal Bias of Climate Coverage

By Dan Gainor and Amy Menefee March 28, 2005

     Its the…

| March 25, 2005

Apples and Oranges: Media Wrongly Equate Galveston Pension Plan with Bushs Social Security Reform

By Amy Menefee…

| March 21, 2005

ABC Manufactures Anti-Cookie, Anti-Free Market Story

By Amy Menefee March 21, 2005

     News flash from ABC: Cookies…

| March 16, 2005

TIME  Embraces Bad Economics That Blame America for World Poverty

By Amy Menefee March 16, 2005

     TIME Magazines March 14 issue…

| March 15, 2005

ABC Uses Old Interview for One-Sided Trade Story

By Amy Menefee March 15, 2005

     ABCs World News Tonight…

| March 9, 2005

Media Continue to Attack Drug Companies with Misinformation

By Amy Menefee March 9, 2005

     Your mother might have told you that if you say…

Dan Gainor | March 9, 2005

'60 Minutes Describes Video Game as a Killer Application

By Dan Gainor March 9, 2005

     First, video games were linked to…

Dan Gainor | February 28, 2005

ABC Promotes Times Pact with Left-Wing Advocacy Group

By Dan Gainor

     Its common for the major TV networks to run news stories that rewrite those that…

Dan Gainor | February 24, 2005

CBS Backs Nanny State Ban on Teen Tanning

By Dan Gainor

     CBS Evening News tried to shine some light on the tanning industry last night,…