Housing prices are going through the roof. After the dot-com bubble,
we need to be extremely cautious with our money and steer clear of
something risky like purchasing homes. We need to avoid having the
housing bubble explode all over us.
Sound like sage advice? Well, it certainly should sound
familiar. If youre like most people, youve heard it all before,
dozens or hundreds of times. The term housing bubble is so common
that it can choke a normal Lexis-Nexis search and can be found on
all broadcast TV networks and in every one of the nations major
Theres just one small problem. Reports of a housing
bubble have been cropping up for more than four years!
So, if you took your investment advice from your TV or
newspaper or newsmagazine, you would have missed out on enormous
gains. The national median value of existing homes has grown from
$139,000 to $215,900 since 2000. Theres nothing ever-so-humble
about that math. Thats a 55-percent increase or 34 percent if you
count inflation.
Lets turn back the clock to 2001 just days before
the September 11 terror attacks. On September 3 of that year, Forbes
magazine warned its readers about the consequences of home equity
values starting to wobble. On the same day, a BusinessWeek
editorial cautioned about a double bubble, and told its readers,
A housing bubble may be developing right behind the Nasdaq
Here we are more than four years later and little in
real estate has changed except for house prices. Existing home sales
for October this year dropped 2.7 percent from huge numbers in
September and CNNs Tony Harris on Live Today sounded the same
alarm November 28: Has the housing boom gone bust? Just in this morning,
existing home sales fell in October more than 2 and a half percent.
The very next day, Harris and his viewers got the
answer to his question. Sales of new single-family homes hammered
the previous record with a 13-percent increase, the largest
percentage gain in more than 12 years, according to the Associated
Press. But the AP still managed to paint this as negative news,
calling it what could be a final spurt from a housing market that
is expected to slow after five record-breaking years.
If you say something loud enough or long enough, sooner
or later you might even be right. After all, the housing market has
defied the experts because the bubble has lasted so long, hasnt
That answer might depend on which expert you count on.
Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan has repeatedly denied even the existence
of a bubble. In 2002, while testifying before Congress, he said,
Weve looked at the bubble question, and weve concluded that it is
most unlikely, mainly because, one, we have a very diverse real
estate market throughout the country.
Hes repeated that point on other occasions, instead
issuing his famous warning that there might be froth in localized
markets, but he has denied that there is any nationwide problem.
This isnt just anybody singing a remake of Don Hos Tiny Bubbles,
this is the chairman who has led the Fed for 18 years. And it
doesnt stop with one Fed Chairman. Ben S. Bernanke, who takes over
for Greenspan early next year, has said the same thing.
Somehow the media missed that official memo. About a
year ago, CNNs Kitty Pilgrim looked at one months downbeat home
sales and sent up flares. Economists say that the drop in sales,
weak construction numbers that could be a warning sign of trouble
ahead in the real estate market.
Turns out that was just a blip. Its almost a year
later, real estate is still strong and the media are still warning
that we are all destined for a bubble bath. But the only bath
guaranteed would have been given to those who listened to the
doomsayers in 2001, or 2002, or
House prices wont continue to boom forever, but that
doesnt mean they will bust either. Unlike most other places to put
your money, a house provides something that you need a roof over
your head, a place to live. For most of us, its more than just a
financial decision; its a lifestyle. And this old (or new) house
should continue to be a successful choice for millions, despite
warnings to the contrary.
While the media continue to prophesy doom, Im going to
keep on repeating to myself: Theres no place like home. Theres no
place like home
Dan Gainor is a career journalist and The Boone
Pickens Free Market Fellow. He is also director of the Media
Research Centers Business & Media Institute
Bubble, Bubble, Its the Media in Trouble
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