Holiday traditions are grounded in stories from the past, including
how St. Nicholas became Jolly St. Nick. But some storytellers are
hard at work no matter what the season. You can always trust the
liberal wing of the U.S. news media to come up with a whopper.
Unfortunately, these tall tales arent harmless. They distort the
facts, deliberately mislead the public, and form the basis for bad
public policy.
It is my hope that calling attention to media bias and
distortion will empower the public and policymakers to be better
news consumers in 2006. We must demand that the media stop treating
us like were stupid. We must show them we know the facts. To this
end, the Media Research Centers Business & Media Institute, which focuses
on the accuracy of business and economic news, has released its list
of the Top 10 Media Myths of 2005.
10. America should follow French fashion
in business. The media fawned when France adopted a shorter work
week a few years ago, but the economic results have left no room for
utopian dreams. With unemployment twice that of the United States
and productivity declining, the French had to admit their plan was
going out of style a point driven home painfully in that countrys
recent riots. Now if only the U.S. media could admit that European
welfare states dont work.
9. We must raise taxes to cope with ballooning deficits.
This is an old media favorite, made new this year with Hurricane
Katrinas devastation and the continuation of the Iraq war. Theyre
quick to say the only answer is to raise taxes, despite the economic
boom that has followed the 2003 tax cuts and deficit reductions to
the tune of $96 billion, thanks to higher tax receipts. The media
never want to cut spending, except in areas where they disagree
politically, like the war.
8. Global warming is causing stronger hurricanes. The
media are intent on blaming the Bush administration for global
warming. But scientists say theyre not sure man is causing global
warming, and theyre even more adamant that global warming and
hurricanes are not related.
7. America is cheap with its foreign aid. I get
tired of hearing multimillionaire celebrities saying the United
States doesnt do enough for poor countries. This country gives more
than any other in terms of foreign aid, and that doesnt even
include private donations, which were three times greater than
official government aid in 2003.
6. Hurricane Katrina will send the
economy into a tailspin. This years destructive hurricanes
didnt end with Katrina, and they were tragic for thousands of
people. But Americans showed their resilience once again as job
growth continued and the oil supply recovered surprisingly quickly
from the storms interruptions. Once again, the media were quick to
predict the worst, and thank God it didnt come to pass.
5. The housing bubble is about to burst.
The media have been harping on this one for years. Way back in
2001, the housing market was supposedly on the verge of catastrophe.
Journalists dont seem to understand that there is no such thing as
a national housing price. Each local market has its own ups and
downs. And when prices start to go down, its good news for those
who want to buy.
4. Americans are dying to be fat. The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention released shocking statistics this
year on obesity-related deaths, giving more ammunition to those who
blame the food industry for Americas weight problems. Later CDC
studies revealed their statistics were faulty, but both the CDC and
the media continued to hype the false stats instead of giving people
the truth.
3. Consumers are choosing between food or fuel.
According to the media, the hurricane-related spike in gas prices
was going to kill the rest of the economy, including little Susie
and Johnnys Christmas. Funny how retail sales blew that gloomy
prophecy out of the water during the Thanksgiving shopping rush, and
gas prices declined when the oil supply made a quick post-hurricane
2. Big, profitable companies are up to
no good. The media like to use the guise of corporate
responsibility to excuse their socialist leanings. Oil companies,
targeted with a windfall profits tax, caught the brunt of this
argument despite their low profit margins. Wal-Mart also suffered
this year from media mayhem because it refuses to give in to the way
the media think it should be run.
1. The U.S. economy is hopeless.
Coming in at No. 1 on the list, this media myth just boggles the
mind. We have the worlds greatest economy, enjoying 30 straight
months of positive job growth, 16 straight quarters of GDP growth
and low unemployment. I dont know what else we can do to convince
the media that things are going well.
Herman Cain is the former president and CEO of Godfathers Pizza,
Inc. and currently is CEO and president of T.H.E. New Voice, Inc., a
business and leadership consulting company. He is the National
Chairman of the Media Research Centers Business & Media Institute.
A Whale of a Tale
suggested reading