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Amy Menefee | September 13, 2006

     Housing may be headed for a soft landing, but that’s just the Federal Reserve chairman’s opinion. The media, on the other hand, have scared up another “housing bubble” story: adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs).

     Journalists have…

| September 13, 2006

     When gas prices shot up in spring, some in the media were quick to criticize “corporate greed,” but as prices plummet, even that decline has to be a “conspiracy.”

     If you think I’m kidding then you don’t know Jack – Jack…

BMI Staff | September 13, 2006
Up in ARMs over Mortgages Foreclosures may be the new housing boom, say the media, thanks to adjustable-rate mortgages that homeowners can no longer…
Ken Shepherd | September 13, 2006

     The same New York Times reporter peeved by toy Hummers in McDonald’s (NYSE: MCD) Happy Meals and funny beer ads during the Super Bowl is now is leading an assault on … salt.  Reporter Melanie Warner pitted a…

Ken Shepherd | September 13, 2006

      ABC’s Chris Cuomo took a quick shot at Wal-Mart in a brief news read on the September 12 “Good Morning America.”


      The news desk anchor informed his audience that “a…

Ken Shepherd | September 12, 2006

      Leave it to The New York Times to worry about government “losing” money with Chevron’s (NYSE: CVX) recent discovery of a multi-billion-barrel reserve of oil deep beneath the Gulf of Mexico.


Ken Shepherd | September 11, 2006

     The Kyoto Protocol’s costs are coming as a shock to many German businesses and consumers. They’re finding higher utility costs resulting from their government’s implementation of the climate change treaty, The Wall Street Journal reported…

Ken Shepherd | September 11, 2006

     The recent discovery of new oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico was the perfect excuse for CNN’s Jack Cafferty to revisit his election-year conspiracy theory. But when the September 9 “In the Money” aired, the program’s…

Ken Shepherd | September 8, 2006

     New York Times reporters Michael Barbaro and Stephanie Strom took a shot at Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) with a September 8 article slamming conservative think tanks for receiving money from the Walton family.


Ken Shepherd | September 7, 2006

     CNN’s Lou Dobbs and correspondent Christine Romans told their September 6 audience the American Dream is dying, citing the liberal Economic Policy Institute (EPI) to make that case, even though numerous studies –…

| September 6, 2006

     Near the end of the movie “Saving Private Ryan,” Capt. Miller used his last breath urging the young private to “Earn this.” Brave men had given their lives to rescue Ryan and return him to his family after the deaths of his brothers. When…

Noel Sheppard | September 6, 2006

     As images of hurricane victims filled the nation’s TV screens last September, network reporters and contributors painted the war on poverty as “ignored and lost.” But when the poverty rate recently showed an end to its…

Ken Shepherd | September 6, 2006

     The recent massive oil discovery in the Gulf of Mexico led to in-depth reports by all three network newscasts, but only NBC spun the news negatively. There it was portrayed as a loss to environmentalists and consumers.…

BMI Staff | September 6, 2006
Where Povertys Rise Ends, Slanted Coverage Continues New government reports show poverty leveling off after four years of increases. Incomes are up for the…
Ken Shepherd | September 6, 2006

     “Identify sources whenever feasible. The public is entitled to as much information as possible on sources' reliability,” the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) advises its members.



Ken Shepherd | September 5, 2006

     Maybe it could be called “The Conspiracy Hour with Jack Cafferty.” On the September 2 “In the Money,” the program’s host recycled his theory that gas prices are dropping because of scheming oil companies.


Ken Shepherd | September 1, 2006

     CBS celebrated California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s plan to force 25 percent cuts in “greenhouse gas” emissions by the year 2020, painting the regulations as a sensible way to grow the economy and protect the…

Ken Shepherd | August 31, 2006

     CBS News veteran Harry Smith finally confessed something that the Business & Media Institute (BMI) have reported for a while and his colleagues elsewhere in the media have already picked up on: gas prices are on a…

Ken Shepherd | August 31, 2006

     What a difference three days make. 72 little hours.

     In that time, a New York Times reporter went from tolling the death knell of real wage growth to reporting a 7-percent wage jump over last year after inflation.

Ken Shepherd | August 30, 2006

     “Gee, I’d love to be fair and balanced, but I tried even less than I did two days ago.”


     That’s what CNN’s Ali Velshi might as well have said in his August 30 story on “American…