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| September 27, 2006

     Everyone’s talking about the environment these days, whether it’s Al Gore’s army of global warming slide show presenters or billionaire Richard Branson’s quest for alternative fuels. I’m nostalgic for the old days when all the…

Ken Shepherd | September 27, 2006

     The Dow Jones had its second-best closing average ever and consumer confidence shot up, but CBS and NBC undercut the good news with speculation on hurricanes and “echoes” of corporate scandals.

     “With gas prices dropping by the…

Ken Shepherd | September 26, 2006

     A day after a CNBC special unilaterally declared James Hansen the “world’s leading climate scientist,” ABC’s Bill Blakemore promoted Hansen’s latest research on global warming – letting him take a swipe at the Bush…

Ken Shepherd | September 26, 2006

     The so-called housing bubble has been a media fixation for five years, so with news that the median price for existing homes is down slightly from last year, it wasn’t surprising for the broadcast media to jump on the…

Ken Shepherd | September 26, 2006

     On her September 24 edition of Global Players, CNBC’s Sabine Christiansen’s notion of a balanced panel was four global warming proponents versus one global warming skeptic.

     “Scientists say we are reaching a tipping point.…

Ken Shepherd | September 22, 2006

     The rich are getting so rich, they’re “super-rich” and tax hikes are just the kryptonite government needs to bring them down to Earth. At least that’s the viewpoint of two liberal policy advocates The Washington Post’s…

Ken Shepherd | September 22, 2006

     While ABC and NBC greeted the announcement of $4 generic drugs at Wal-Mart Stores with a mostly positive reception on their September 22 programs, The New York Times took a Debbie Downer approach to the development.

Ken Shepherd | September 21, 2006

     The media rarely, if ever, worry about lawsuits sapping drug companies’ ability to fund research and development (R&D) for new drugs. Yet Soledad O’Brien found cause for concern with news that Wal-Mart will be…

Ken Shepherd | September 21, 2006

     Last summer, news reports on the CBS “Evening News” with Bob Schieffer downplayed or outright ignored the facts that re-importing prescription drugs is illegal and can be unsafe or unreliable. But now with a new anchor at…

Ken Shepherd | September 20, 2006

     Oil closed at a six-month low and gasoline dropped to the lowest price since mid-March on September 19. Yet of the three broadcast news programs that evening, only NBC’s Brian Williams paid attention to dropping oil and…

Amy Menefee | September 20, 2006

     When an American auto manufacturer gets in trouble, journalists are quick to declare the American way of life is dying.


     Despite the growth and health of Honda and Toyota…

| September 20, 2006

     Usually, spotting inconsistencies in the left’s arguments is fun. But in the case of Robert Greenwald’s new propagandumentary, “Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers,” it’s serious business.

     Greenwald, who also made “Wal-Mart:…

BMI Staff | September 20, 2006
Unions: Good Ol' Days or Part of Ford's Demise? Ford Motor Co. is in trouble now, and journalists at the networks are singing their old dirge for the…
Ken Shepherd | September 19, 2006

“Retailers See Strong Sales For Holidays” – New York Times, September 19

“Holiday Sales Growth Expected to Decline” – Washington Post, September 19

     It’s barely time to think about buying Halloween candy, but…

Ken Shepherd | September 19, 2006

     An E. coli outbreak in pre-packaged spinach proved a convenient excuse for ABC to push for more regulation of American agriculture, citing the pro-regulation, anti-food industry Center for Science in the Public Interest…

Rachel Waters | September 18, 2006

     “It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to...”


     That’s how the NY Times portrayed the housing market in its September 17 article “Someone’s Spoiling the Party, the Housing Market…

Amy Menefee | September 15, 2006

     A million or more people die each year from malaria, which can be best fought with the pesticide DDT. But DDT was banned 30 years ago and the mainstream U.S. media have ignored it, preferring to focus on left-wing philanthropists and their…

Dan Gainor | September 15, 2006

     The offer of wide-scale buyouts at Ford Motor Co. (NYSE: F) gave networks news shows a new excuse to claim – falsely – that the U.S. auto industry is “now struggling to survive.”



Rachel Waters | September 14, 2006

     Say the word “disposable” and most Americans conjure up images of diapers, cameras, razors etc. But reporter and author Louis Uchitelle says business treats workers as disposable and that layoffs might be lethal.

Ken Shepherd | September 13, 2006

     “A three-year battle over the minimum wage is now over,” and “it looks the people won,” CNN’s Heidi Collins flatly declared a few minutes before noon on the September 13 edition of CNN “Live Today.” But in doing so,…