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Jeff Poor | April 1, 2009

With the economy suffering a steep downturn and a new hands-on approach by the federal government to correct it, financial news outlets have received increasing scrutiny. None more so than CNBC.


The cable channel, along with…

Dan Gainor | April 1, 2009

If you were alarmed about the outlandish growth of government power, doubt no longer. Barack Obama just fired the head of a private company. The March 30 Wall Street Journal headline said it all: “Government Forces Out Wagoner at GM.” And…

Dan Kennedy | April 1, 2009

An entire weekly national magazine could be devoted just to tracking government interference, regulations, new regulations, pending regulations and regulations threatened just to bring forth competing lobbyists with money. Anybody who would…

Jeff Poor | March 27, 2009

Another episode of MSNBC’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann,” another angry rant about a conservative disagreeing with liberal agenda – how predictable.

On the March 26 broadcast of “Countdown,” Olbermann set his sights on Rep. Joe…

Jeff Poor | March 26, 2009

There’s nothing like populist outrage from a multi-millionaire advertising mogul with a spot on CNBC.


Donny Deutsch, the host of “The Big Idea,” a show the network has shelved, explained to viewers on the March 25 broadcast of…

Julia A. Seymour | March 25, 2009

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is in trouble. He’s faced multiple controversies since his nomination, beginning with his own failure to pay all his taxes to his recent admission that Treasury was responsible for the A.I.G. bonus payouts.…

BMI Staff | March 25, 2009
Despite Calls for Resignation, Media Support Geithner Congressmen and Senators have already called for the Treasury Secretarys resignation or firing because of A.I.G.…
Dan Kennedy | March 25, 2009

While the president was away in L.A., the first lady played – mentor, with the help of some stars. She organized a round-robin of visits to Washington D.C. schools and a White House event for young girls, to demonstrate to them they could grow…

Jeff Poor | March 25, 2009

CNBC looks to be making another left turn.  After the network announced Democratic National Committee chairman and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean as a “CNBC contributor,” the network has gone even farther.

According a status update…

Erin Brown | March 25, 2009

The April 2009 issue of Self magazine features a four page article about the difficult decision to “selectively reduce multiple embryos.” The problem is, the author left out the voice of those who would never choose that option. Roxanne Patel…

Jeff Poor | March 24, 2009

Could this be another case of a chastened CNBC succumbing to criticism from the left to improve its image?


Just a day after CNBC named former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean a CNBC contributor, an…

Jeff Poor | March 23, 2009

Is CNBC caving to its critics on the left?


It might appear so now that former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, also the former chair of the Democratic National Committee, was officially named a CNBC contributor on the March 23 “…

Edward Schatz | March 20, 2009

Maybe he’ll fare better than other aging child stars, but for now, he’s something of an embarrassment. Cute and cuddly sold climate panic. Predatory and perilous does not.

Two years ago on March 23, Knut the polar bear cub who was saved by…

Jeff Poor | March 19, 2009

In the wake of the American International Group (AIG) bonus controversy, some have called the plans of congressional leaders to tax those bonuses at a rate of 90-100 percent “legislating with a vengeance.”


However, Chairman of…

Jeff Poor | March 19, 2009

Although President Barack Obama is only 58 days into his term, there has been a noticeable trend in how the new administration is handling its critics in the media: let no criticism go unanswered and mobilize a formidable group of…

Jeff Poor | March 18, 2009

You often hear scientists who promote the theory of man-made global warming allege they are victims of censorship. But when it is the other way around – that scientists who dispute that claim are victims of the same thing, you never hear a peep…

Editor, The Wall Street Journal

200 Liberty Street

New York, NY 10281

To the Editor:

Peter Wallison masterfully exposes the pitfalls in Rep. Barney Frank's proposal to create a "systemic risk regulator" ("…

Dan Gainor | March 18, 2009

Republicans are derided as the party in disarray and, with Michael Steele at the helm, there is little wonder. GOP stalwarts are often depicted as dinosaurs by a disparaging press or by faux conservatives who are hired by the disparaging press…

Dan Kennedy | March 18, 2009

I remember when “60 Minutes” wasn’t so warm ‘n cuddly. Sunday night Ben Bernanke dodged a question by simply saying “It’s difficult to make predictions.” The interviewer let it go.

I might have responded to Bernanke by pointing out that…