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Julia A. Seymour | March 4, 2009

Temperatures have plummeted to record or near-record lows in 32 states this winter. On March 2, a global warming protest in Washington, D.C. was buried by nearly a foot of snow. And a new study warns that the Earth…

Julia A. Seymour | March 4, 2009

Temperatures have plummeted to record or near-record lows in 32 states this winter. On March 2, a global warming protest in Washington, D.C. was buried by nearly a foot of snow. And a new study warns that the Earth could be in for a 30-year…

BMI Staff | March 4, 2009
Media Myth: Networks Stick to Warming Theme Despite Avalanche of Chilling News Its cold outside. Just ask residents from Florida to New England and they will tell you its…
Dan Gainor | March 4, 2009

In the 2004 movie “Garden State,” Natalie Portman plays Sam, a character who just can’t stop lying. “I don't even know why I do it. It's like ... it's like a tick, I mean sometimes I hear myself say something and then I think, Wow, that wasn't…

Julia A. Seymour | March 4, 2009

Temperatures have plummeted to record or near-record lows in 32 states this winter. On March 2, a global warming protest in Washington, D.C. was buried by nearly a foot of snow. And a new study warns that the Earth could be in for a 30-year…

Jeff Poor | March 3, 2009

In February, in the build up to the ultimate passage of President Barack Obama’s $787-billion stimulus package, there was a lot of discussion about how much the stimulus was going to help the ailing economy. And to promote the bill, Obama…

Dan Kennedy | March 3, 2009

Imagine my surprise to hear Chris Matthews, on his February 26 broadcast, enthusiastically announce that President Obama is “promising to tax the rich people in order to pay for health care for the working people.”

Dear Mr. Matthews: maybe…

Jeff Poor | March 3, 2009

It was news media conventional wisdom during the 2008 presidential campaign: the worse the economy, the better it was for Democrat candidate prospects. But now that they have the legislative and executive branches and the burden of actually…

Jeff Poor | March 2, 2009

Reagan called them the nine scariest words when uttered together: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

That is unless the government comes in the form of President Barack Obama, who’s policy responses during the economic downturn…

Jeff Poor | March 2, 2009

Not everyone in the media is sold on the idea the President Barack Obama has all the answers to America’s economic woes.

Throughout the 2008 presidential campaign, media pundits dwelled on how Democrat candidates traditionally fared…

Jeff Poor | March 2, 2009

Soon, “low-flow” toilets may not be the only environmental bathroom inconvenience American experience. As if there weren’t enough reasons for the public to dive head first in to hysteria of so-called manmade global warming, Americans are now…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | February 27, 2009

Editor, The New York Times

229 West 43rd St.

New York, NY 10036

To the Editor:

Yesterday you devoted precious front-page space to a report on the environmental costs of soft toilet paper ("Mr. Whipple Left It…

Julia A. Seymour | February 26, 2009

According to CBS, President Obama was busy on Feb. 25 “turning a night of words into a day of action” regarding those grand promises he made in his not-quite-State of the Union speech Feb. 24.

One of the issues Obama was taking action…

Jeff Poor | February 25, 2009

When former Vice President Al Gore said the science was settled on the issue of global warming before Congress in 2007, he might have meant it was settled as far as people that he would allow to work for him.


Dr. William…

Jeff Poor | February 25, 2009

In America, “nationalization” used to be a dirty word. But that was prior to this era of government intervention to save industries and institutions deemed “too big to fail.” Now, state involvement in – and even ownership of – certain sectors of…

BMI Staff | February 25, 2009
Nationalization: It's Not Just For Communists Anymore The word nationalization used to be a dirty word one synonymous with authoritarian regimes. Now politicians threaten to nationalize…
Edward Schatz | February 25, 2009

What a crime! A profitable company honors a contract and spends its own money to host events for clients – the audacity!

Taking a page from ABC’s AIG hit job, NBC’s “Today Show” on Feb. 25 took a cheap shot at Northern Trust Bank for the…

Dan Gainor | February 25, 2009

Only in America does the term “tea party” sound ominous. In much of the world, it’s a high-falootin,’ civilized gathering. In the U.S., it has meant tax rebellion ever since a few Boston patriots decided they liked their tea mixed with salt…

Dan Kennedy | February 25, 2009

We know they’re chummy. We know she knows cars – she’s given them to every member of her audience before. So why shouldn’t President Obama install his pal Oprah as the new federal Car Czar and let her run one more government giveaway…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | February 24, 2009

24 February 2009


Editor, Boston Globe


Dear Editor:

24 February 2009


Editor, Boston Globe


Dear Editor:


Derrick Z. Jackson reasons that among…