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Jeff Poor | April 20, 2009

It must be hard to keep a straight face when you report that the President of United States going to cut $100 million from a $3.5 trillion budget and then say he is serious about cutting government spending.

But somehow, CNN…

Jeff Poor | April 20, 2009

He may have toned down his rancor toward the policies of President Barack Obama, but CNBC “Mad Money” host showed viewers he’s still capable of an outburst at a moment’s notice – even when no one could see it coming.


On CNBC’s…

Jeff Poor | April 18, 2009

It was Fox News against the world about tea party coverage, but CNN “Lou Dobbs Tonight” host showed he’s just as disgusted with some of the coverage as many conservatives are.


Dobbs, on his April 17 radio program, criticized…

Jeff Poor | April 17, 2009

Surrogates for President Barack Obama have been claiming he could cut the deficit in half by 2013.

That’s just what CNBC contributor and Daily Voice online editor Keith Boykin said on CNBC’s April 17 “The Call.” According to Boykin, the…

Julia A. Seymour | April 17, 2009

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow thinks “it’s beginning to feel a little like 1860” after some participants of an Austin, Texas tea party shouted “Secede!”

On “The Rachel Maddow Show” April 16 Maddow and her guest, author,Wall Street Journal…

BMI Staff | April 16, 2009
National Media Dismiss, Disparage and Attack Tax Day Tea Parties Three networks and CNN ignore populist storm until tax day; blast FOX and repeat left-wing claims of 'AstroTurf' in same-…
Julia A. Seymour | April 16, 2009

Silent no more, by tax day the networks, CNN and the major papers finally acknowledged the story of the Tax Day Tea Party protests. And while they covered them, they found many ways to discredit the movement by repeating the claims of the left…

Dan Kennedy | April 15, 2009

If you’re looking for signs that the administration’s economic efforts are starting to pay off, there’s at least one segment of the economy that President Obama himself has personally stimulated. It even made it to feature story status on “60…

Julia A. Seymour | April 15, 2009

It’s April 15 … tea party protest day for hundreds of thousands of people across the country.

In Washington, D.C. two protests were planned – one in front of the Treasury Department and another in Lafayette Park across from the White…

Julia A. Seymour | April 15, 2009

Maybe he just doesn’t know that there are people who disagree with his massive tax and spend agenda. That would explain a lot. Perhaps the network media’s near silence on the “tea party” phenomenon has kept President Obama from realizing that…

Dan Gainor | April 15, 2009

If you build it, they will come. Forget the baseball reference. It is as outdated as the year “Field of Dreams” was released – 1989.

Tea party tax protesters know why. The metaphor is a lie – at least as far as the mainstream media are…

Jeff Poor | April 15, 2009

While Fox News has celebrated the Taxpayer Tea Party rallies and MSNBC has denigrated them, the impetus of the movement – CNBC and specifically Rick Santelli, its inspiration – had been conspicuously quiet about it.

But on CNBC’s “…

Julia A. Seymour | April 15, 2009

NBC – one of the networks that have virtually ignored the Tax Day Tea Party protests against taxation and government spending – finally mentioned them on “Today” April 15.

The network’s chief White House correspondent, Chuck Todd tacked…

Julia A. Seymour | April 15, 2009

NBC – one of the networks that has virtually ignored the Tax Day Tea Party protests against taxation and government spending – finally mentioned it on “Today” April 15.


The network’s chief White House correspondent, Chuck Todd…

Edward Schatz | April 14, 2009

Armen Keteyian was befuddled by oil companies’ unwillingness to start drilling in leased land. The CBS correspondent filed a report on the CBS “Evening News” on April 13 wondering why the oil companies, ExxonMobil in particular, are allowing some…

Jeff Poor | April 13, 2009

Global warming “victims” could be able to sue the government and companies if two congressmen have their way.


Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends” host Steve Doocy examined a provision inserted into a bill written by House…

Lauren O'Reilly | April 13, 2009

Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh are sending the same message to New York’s Governor David Paterson: Hike taxes for high-income earners and your major taxpayers will leave the state.

Trump told FOX host Neil Cavuto that the “millionaire’s…

Jeff Poor | April 13, 2009

While U.S. banks and automakers may be benefiting from taxpayer bailouts, they certainly haven’t escaped criticism of everything from their executive compensation and their business practices to the ethics of their leadership. Not so with another…

Editor, Florida Times-Union


Dear Editor:

Editor, Florida Times-Union


Dear Editor:


In "Florida's economy: Support local business" (April 9) you report that some Floridians are…