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BMI Staff | May 6, 2009

Media Deride Tax Haven 'Cheats' and 'Loopholes;' Ignore Benefits When Obama announced his tax reform plan on May 4 the news media rapidly embraced his terms (crackdown, loophole, scam),…

Jeff Poor | May 6, 2009

Strike while the iron is hot from the flames of populism. That mixed metaphor might explain the timing of the Obama administration’s announcement of anti-corporate changes he would like to make to the tax code.

The administration’s…

Editor, The Wall Street Journal

200 Liberty Street

New York, NY 10281

To the Editor:

Madeleine Albright and Colin Powell are pleased that, at the Initiative for Global Development (IGD) summit in Washington, "…

Julia A. Seymour | May 4, 2009

President Obama held a press conference on May 4 to detail a “far-reaching crackdown on offshore tax avoidance, targeting many U.S.-based multinational corporations and wealthy individuals,” according to The Wall Street Journal.

The Journal…

Julia A. Seymour | April 30, 2009

CNN amped up the alarmism about swine flu April 30 when co-host John Roberts interviewed Dr. Martin Blaser of NYU without rounding out the segment with other opinions.

Roberts asked Blaser to put the virus, which had already sickened…

Julia A. Seymour | April 29, 2009

“Are we on the verge of a swine flu pandemic?” That was a question asked by Larry King for CNN on April 27, but also by many Americans since April 24 as the number of confirmed cases around the world grew.

NBC’s Robert Bazell said the…

BMI Staff | April 29, 2009

Media Latch on to Swine Flu 'Pandemic' The national news media served up hype with scary comparisons to the 1918 flu epidemic with a side of unanswered questions in the…

Dan Kennedy | April 29, 2009

April 20 was certainly a red letter day for America.

That was when President Obama held his first photo-op cabinet meeting, noisily giving them their marching orders: find ways to save $100-million in 100 days. And then he proudly told…

Jeff Poor | April 29, 2009

Once again, in its quest for a scapegoat for a crisis facing society, the media has set its sights on a large corporation.


A segment by ABC correspondent Jeffrey Kofman, reporting from La Gloria, Mexico, went after Smithfield…

Dan Gainor | April 28, 2009

It seems like the end of the world. A deadly virus is sweeping across the globe killing off young and old alike. Media coverage goes round the clock dwelling on the danger. Sounds like the plot for a movie – Stephen King’s “The Stand” or maybe…

Jeff Poor | April 28, 2009

Some financial indicators took somewhat of a shock over swine flu fears on the first day after the swine flu fears were realized.


“But on Wall Street today and overseas, travel-related stocks took a beating over flu fears,”…

Jeff Poor | April 27, 2009

The swine flu story has captured the news cycle for three days and counting now and that’s perpetuating the hysteria, according to Fox News Channel’s Brit Hume.


Hume appeared on the FNC’s “The Live Desk with Trace Gallagher”…

Jeff Poor | April 24, 2009

If CNBC on-air talent has really had their hands tied by General Electric and NBC management on criticizing the current administration’s economic policy, you couldn’t tell it from watching Rick Santelli and Larry Kudlow.

 On CNBC’s…

Jeff Poor | April 23, 2009

“NBC Nightly News” has found another populist cause for President Barack Obama to champion – banks passing along higher costs to issue credit to borrowers instead of bearing the brunt themselves.


An April 22 “Nightly News”…

Jeff Poor | April 23, 2009

The same left-wing groups (like ACORN) who complained that bailout companies shouldn’t be awarding bonuses to their executives, might be getting their hands on some of the bailout money according to one senator.

CNBC’s Larry Kudlow asked…

Jeff Poor | April 23, 2009

It just wouldn’t be Earth Day without a catastrophic global warming segment from the network news, so ABC correspondent Bill Blakemore delivered just that April 22.

Blakemore warned viewers of “World News with Charles Gibson” that…

Julia A. Seymour | April 22, 2009

Maybe there really is some independence on President Obama’s “independent” economic advisory board, because one member didn’t sugar-coat things for viewers of Fox Business Network in a recent appearance. Instead he warned of serious inflation and…

Julia A. Seymour | April 22, 2009

Curbing emissions will come at a price, something CNN surprisingly admitted on Earth Day.

As CNN’s Poppy Harlow explained, “We could all be paying more folks, if this energy bill that is currently moving through Congress gets signed into…

Dan Kennedy | April 22, 2009

I started noticing new talking points oozing out this past week. Rather than cite specifics, I’d like to encourage you to be on alert for them. They all have to do with the new gospel of less.

America at its best has always been about…

Dan Gainor | April 22, 2009

This is testimony Dan Gainor gave before the U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee on Courts and Competition Policy of the Committee on the Judiciary April 21, 2009. The topic was a hearing on “A New Age for Newspapers.”

I’m Dan…