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Jeff Poor | June 2, 2009


Is regulating greenhouse gases a necessary means to stop so-called manmade global warming? Or is it an effort by the government to exert more control over Americans’ day-to-day lives?


According to Rep. James…

Sarah Knoploh | June 2, 2009

The world is about to end, or at least that’s according to ABC’s “Good Morning America.” The June 2 segment promoted a new special called “Earth 2100.” The program follows Lucy, a girl born in 2009, and her dramatic story about how if…
Catherine Maggio | June 1, 2009

As GM filed for a long expected bankruptcy under Chapter 11 on June 1, CBS’s “The Early Show” offered a report this morning that failed to acknowledge key facts and opinions regarding the bankruptcy and the role of the federal government and the…

Jeff Poor | May 29, 2009

It’s been over 100 days since President Barack Obama signed the $787-billion stimulus bill into law and to commemorate that milestone, one media outlet hailed it as a success, at least in one corner of the world.

The May 28 “NBC Nightly…

Julia A. Seymour | May 28, 2009

The media love to fret over global warming, but now that a trillion-dollar scheme to address global warming could be just around the corner the networks have been curiously quiet.

On May 21, the House Energy and Commerce…

Julia A. Seymour | May 28, 2009

The media love to fret over global warming, but now that a trillion-dollar scheme to address global warming could be just around the corner the networks have been curiously quiet.


On May 21, the House Energy and Commerce…

Julia A. Seymour | May 28, 2009
The media love to fret over global warming, but now that a trillion-dollar scheme to address global warming could be just around the corner the networks have been curiously quiet.

On May 21, the House Energy and…

Jeff Poor | May 28, 2009

The national unemployment rate is 8.9 percent and even higher in places like Cambridge, Md. So you might find it strange to see NBC advocating an expansion of legal migrant labor when so many Americans are struggling.

Nonetheless, former “…

Jeff Poor | May 27, 2009

How will President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court Justice Nominee Sonia Sotomayor impact business? Or more importantly, is her nomination a sign of new rules for business in the United States?

Fox Business Network’s Neil Cavuto claims that’s…

BMI Staff | May 27, 2009

Networks Ignore Trillion Dollar Price Tag of Climate Cap Bill The media regularly hype the threat of global warming as well as proposed fixes for it, but when a cap-and-…

Lauren O'Reilly | May 27, 2009

If the government pays for your health care, should it tell you how to live and coerce you into eating healthy foods?

On May 23, panelists on “Forbes on Fox” discussed to what extent government should act as a food police by taxing…

Dan Gainor | May 27, 2009

When the Tax Day Tea Party protests happened on April 15, the idea of government spending us into bankruptcy seemed hard for some to grasp. A month-and-a-half later, they have a perfect example – California.

California is the Golden…

Dan Kennedy | May 27, 2009

I am having an evermore difficult time deciding if President Obama is a comedian pulling our collective leg, or he really has as much arrogant disdain for the people paying all the bills he’s printing as his silly statements suggest.

Matt Philbin | May 27, 2009

To a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. To a community organizer, every citizen looks like a victim entitled to someone else’s money.

The Obama campaign and administration has proved that again and again. But both the…

Jeff Poor | May 26, 2009

Earlier this year, proponents of the $787-billion stimulus bill opposed by most Republicans in Congress argued it was the only way to keep unemployment from exceeding double-digits and then some.

However, as Megyn Kelly, fill-in host…

Jeff Poor | May 26, 2009

On Memorial Day, when many Americans are returning from vacation destinations on the highways, CBS found a possible way for government to solve the gridlock on roads and in airports.


A May 25 “CBS Evening News” segment…

Jeff Poor | May 21, 2009

Californians just used the democratic process to vote down a series of proposals that would have raised taxes in certain areas. Proponents, namely Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, argued those increases would cure the state’s budget…

Jeff Poor | May 20, 2009

Although CNBC as network has been criticized for caving into a left-wing agenda, credit should be given where credit is due.

Following an interview with John Doerr, a member of President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, CNBC’s…

Editor, The Wall Street Journal

200 Liberty Street

New York, NY 10281

To the Editor:

John Steele Gordon explains "Why Government Can't Run a Business" (May 20). I learned from the historian Burt Folsom one of…

BMI Staff | May 20, 2009

Broadcast Networks 'Hail' Obama Auto Fuel Efficiency Standards In the name of fuel efficiency, the networks favored federal intervention and ignored critics of Obamas new…