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Editor, The New York Times

620 Eighth Avenue

New York, NY 10018

To the Editor:

Paul Krugman asserts that those of us who oppose government regulation to deal with climate change are committing "treason against…

Jeff Poor | June 29, 2009

From the same people that brought us anti-food industry motion pictures “Fast Food Nation” and “The Omnivore’s Dilemma,” comes another film called “Food, Inc.” and it was ABC’s “Closer Look” into a beef recall June 28.

Anchor Dan Harris’s…

Dan Kennedy | June 25, 2009

How much havoc can Obama wreak before our buyers’ remorse catches up with him?

“The audacity of speed.” Maybe it’s been used before, but the first time I heard the phrase was from Fortune’s Nina Easton on the June 21 “Meet The Press” It…

Jeff Poor | June 24, 2009

While some of the media have suggested Americans need to keep an open mind about President Barack Obama’s health care proposals, critics say there’s an underlying threat to those that are already insured.

Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., and…

Jeff Poor | June 24, 2009

During the summer of 2008, on the eve of the collapse of the global financial markets and the presidential election, the price of oil and gas at the pump hit record levels and commanded a lot of attention from the media.

As prices rose…

BMI Staff | June 24, 2009

A Different Standard: Gas Price Coverage Shifts since 2008 High Reporting of consumer hardship, market-factor scrutiny and the effects Middle East turmoil on oil and gas…

Dan Gainor | June 24, 2009

With apologies to Janet Jackson, America’s rhythm nation is so 1989. Now it’s an Indoctri-nation. The mainstream media don’t tell us what’s going on; they tell us what to think. Today’s example is nationalized health care. It will be the topic…

Jeff Poor | June 24, 2009

Coming soon: A check in the mail if you purchase the skim milk instead of the whole milk at your grocery store? That sort of sounded like what Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas is advocating as an alternative to some of the more costly solutions proposed…

Julia A. Seymour | June 23, 2009

The media claim that there are 40 million to 50 million uninsured Americans and use that statistic to bolster calls for universal government-run insurance coverage. The inaccuracy has been repeated by print and broadcast journalists for years,…

Jeff Poor | June 23, 2009

It’s basic economics – when the economy contracts and the flow of money slows, so do tax receipts to local governments, barring maneuvering by the government to impose higher taxes. And that has been a focus of news stories, most notably the…

Jeff Poor | June 23, 2009

With Iran and North Korea absorbing much of the national media’s attention recently, public dissatisfaction with President Obama’s must-have-or-else $787-billion stimulus plan has gone relatively unnoticed.

An unheralded recently…

Julia A. Seymour | June 19, 2009

The debate over plans to fix the U.S. health insurance system grew hotter June 15 as President Obama addressed the American Medical Association (AMA) in Chicago. But it was the ABC coverage that followed that sparked controversy.

Dr. Tim…

Jeff Poor | June 19, 2009

The National Debt Clock has been ticking the amount of the U.S. government’s debt since 1989 to show just how much money the taxpayers are in for. But now, global warming activists have seized upon the concept.

According to CNBC “Closing…

Sarah Knoploh | June 18, 2009

ABC has assured Republicans and the public that its June 24 primetime special from the White House on health care reform won’t be an “infomercial” for the president’s proposals. But the involvement of an unabashed champion of universal health…

Sarah Knoploh | June 18, 2009

ABC News is giving away free advertising! Or Sam Champion is, anyway. On the June 18 edition of “Good Morning America” the weatherman-when-he’s-not-busy-saving-the-planet did his best to help DVD sales of Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth,” and then…

Julia A. Seymour | June 17, 2009

The Business & Media Institute asked several conservatives and free market health care proponents to offer questions they’d like to see asked of President Obama at the ABC "Prescription for America" town hall June 24.

The experts were…

BMI Staff | June 17, 2009

Obama Pushes Gov. Health Care; ABC Responds with 'Prescription for America' Coverage from White House ABC caused a stir June 15 when the network announced special…

Dan Kennedy | June 17, 2009

Where is Al Gore?

I’ve clipped and accumulated about a hundred news articles, decreasing in size and moving further back in the pages week to week, about the first political hostages of the Obama administration, the two reporters who…

Sarah Knoploh | June 16, 2009

Most nurses are ethical, right minded, and honest, but not Showtime’s “Nurse Jackie.” all of these qualities were disregarded. In the new show, nurses are instead portrayed in a negative light – something Showtime tried to capitalize on by…

Dan Gainor | June 16, 2009

You’re a hater.

Face it. You wouldn’t even be reading this right-wing, reactionary claptrap if you weren’t. After all, I’m a hater as well. So are countless conservatives from Sean Hannity to Rush Limbaugh. Ann Coulter? Was that a…