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Catherine Maggio | July 29, 2009

Liberals know that if the health care “overhaul” fails, they cannot blame Republicans. Therefore they are already taking shots against their own. While the Blue Dogs halt a bill that goes against their fiscally conservative values, the rest of…

Sarah Knoploh | July 29, 2009

Dylan Ratigan, host of MSNBC’s “Morning Meeting,” might be worried about keeping that gig. Why else would he act like he’s trying out for the job of Barney Frank’s press secretary?


The Massachusetts Representative appeared on…

Jeff Poor | July 28, 2009

How appetizing does pan-seared raccoon sound? Or how about some wood-grilled possum? Those aren’t dishes from a Depression-era restaurant, but they could be part of an environmentally conscious diet.

Left-wing environmentalists are…

Editor, The New York Times

620 Eighth Avenue

New York, NY 10018

To the Editor:

Paul Krugman argues that Blue Dog Democratic concerns about ObamaCare are incoherent (An Incoherent Truth, July 27). Far be it from…

Jeff Poor | July 27, 2009

It's the kind of astute analysis you'd expect from MSNBC – the place for the politics. CNBC regular and MSNBC fill-in anchor Donny Deutsch solved the mystery behind the media's fascination with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.


Julia A. Seymour | July 24, 2009

CNN’s Christine Romans finally found the small business perspective on July 24, the day the minimum wage rose to $7.25.

Romans interviewed an owner of a New Jersey Shop Rite grocery story who was “very concerned” that the increase would…

Dan Kennedy | July 23, 2009

Twice in the past week or so President Obama has insisted that his $780 billion-and-then-some stimulus package is working “as intended” and “as anticipated.”

Apologists and defenders in his administration and in the media scurried to…

Jeff Poor | July 23, 2009

When will the broadcast networks and their news divisions finally realize that, as much as they love him, President Obama is costing them an arm and a leg? They keep giving up millions in ad revenue for primetime presidential news conferences…

Jeff Poor | July 22, 2009

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.”

That’s the strategy from Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” that seems to playing out from President Barack Obama again. This time Obama was talking about Sen. Jim DeMint, R…

Zoe Ortiz | July 22, 2009

Want to know the correct number of uninsured? Don’t turn to Reuters. In the July 22 article “Congress Making ‘Great Progress’ on Healthcare-Pelosi” Reuters reported that “President Barack Obama will hold a prime-time news conference to push for…

BMI Staff | July 22, 2009

Uncritical Condition President Obama is running a full court press to get a health care reform bill passed before Congress August recess, and hes gotten plenty of help from the networks. ABC…

Zoe Ortiz | July 22, 2009

Give CBS’s morning crew this much credit: they’re not fickle. Even as the media air began perceptibly leaking from the president’s health care balloon, “The Early Show” was valiantly clinging to “maybes.”

On July 22, host Maggie…

Jeff Poor | July 21, 2009

A shakedown is still a shakedown – even when every side of a “complicated” story is shown.


But “Crude,” Joe Berlinger’s documentary about the Amazon Defense Front’s $27-billion lawsuit against Chevron (NYSE:CVX) for allegedly…

Sarah Knoploh | July 21, 2009

Any article seeking to gin up support for universal health care would have to rely on skewed numbers and sins of omission. Sure enough, “Health Care Proposal is Not Yet Final” by Philip Elliott of the Associated Press fit the bill.


Catherine Maggio | July 21, 2009

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has found that the current plan for healthcare reform will add to the nation’s deficit and drive healthcare costs up, not down. However, House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-SC, and disgraced former…

Editor, Los Angeles Times Dear Editor: In "American aid to Africa" (July 15) you presume that money given by governments of rich western nations to governments of poor African nations is necessary if the economies of these African nations are to…
Dan Gainor | July 15, 2009

Say the words “just a bill” and our TV civics lesson takes hold. Without realizing it, millions of Americans would instantly start humming a Schoolhouse Rock song entitled “I’m Just a Bill.”

The song is cartoon version of how a bill…

Dan Kennedy | July 15, 2009

Rejoice! The Amazing Ozbama is slowly disintegrating into OOPS-Bama.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the quietly growing, simmering buyers’ remorse - the realization that the President is anything but his promise, that his change…

BMI Staff | July 15, 2009

For 'Leverage,' Round Two of 'Destroying' Evil Businessmen TNTs business-bashing show returns for its second season July 15 after targeting insurance companies, military…

Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | July 15, 2009

Nearly 90 years ago Ludwig von Mises, one of the founders of the Austrian school of economics, pointed out that once government intervenes in a market it creates unintended consequences that lead to further government intervention. This process…