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Dan Kennedy | September 9, 2009

“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact,” said Sherlock Holmes. This explains, I guess, how so many independent voters, moderate Democrats and even moderate Republicans were deceived by the Obama who campaigned for the presidency…

Julia A. Seymour | September 9, 2009

Despite an unemployment rate of nearly 10 percent, the Obama administration has claimed its stimulus package is working and economic recovery is on its way.

At a Labor Day picnic Sept. 7, Obama accused administration critics of having “…

BMI Staff | September 9, 2009

White House Pushes Economic 'Recovery,' Media Spin Jobs Reports Journalists emphasize 'glimmers of hope' for the economy as unemployment rises to a 26-year-high…

Dan Gainor | September 9, 2009

It’s “silly season” according to White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. You know silly season. It’s the time when all of the ridiculous stuff the administration is doing gets revealed – no matter how little the media actually report any of it…

Jeff Poor | September 9, 2009

Since hitting their lows back in March, financial markets have rallied in the wake of last year’s financial crisis. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is up 43 percent since March 9. But can it last?

It could be all given up with…

Jeff Poor | September 8, 2009

It’s clear that President Barack Obama’s $787-billion stimulus hasn’t worked as advertised, but some economists are worried it could backfire and cause something much worse.

According to a new study by economists Charles Rowley of George…

Jeff Poor | September 4, 2009

He has been a voice in the wilderness for global warming realists, but now that he’s taking on other issues put forth by President Barack Obama, some on the left’s network, MSNBC, are suggesting Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., is putting the…

Julia A. Seymour | September 3, 2009

How little would a CEO have to make to avoid the media’s cries of “wretched excess?” That’s hard to say given the constant calls for pay caps by journalists.

CNN “American Morning” beat that drum again on Sept. 3 when co-anchor John Roberts…

Dan Gainor | September 2, 2009

Dear Rev. Wright

I started to write: “Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here.” But you know better. Being president isn’t fun and games like I hoped. And I really don’t wish you were here. I could use a friend, but I need the…

Dan Kennedy | September 2, 2009

Apparently a cell phone is now a right, and therefore must be guaranteed with an entitlement. As the TV commercials say: you probably qualify for a free cell phone and free minutes every month if you are on Medicaid or food stamps.


Jeff Poor | September 1, 2009

It was bound to happen. That is, someone was due to blame the catastrophic wildfires in California on global warming.

Rep. Linda Sanchez, the Democratic congresswoman from California’s 39th Congressional District, appeared on MSNBC’s…

Jeff Poor | August 28, 2009

It’s no secret the print newspaper industry is struggling. It’s become all too common to hear that papers, like the Christian Science Monitor or the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, have ceased publishing a print edition and gone completely online.…

Jeff Poor | August 26, 2009

Don’t like ObamaCare? Well, more than likely – you’re suffering from some sort of psychological delusion according to Newsweek Senior Editor and self-declared psychiatrist Sharon Begley.

Begley, in a piece posted on Newsweek’s Web site…

Julia A. Seymour | August 26, 2009

The threat of a government-run public option plan in health care legislation was frightening enough to spur thousands of people to attend town hall meetings across the country and voice their dissent, sometimes angrily.

Now legislators and…

BMI Staff | August 26, 2009

Health Care Co-ops: Just another Public Option Due to the outcry of many about a public option, some senators have suggested a compromise in the form of health insurance co-ops. Conservatives…

Dan Gainor | August 26, 2009

We need to get special interests out of politics. They spoil everything.

For once President Barack Obama is right: special interests are messing up health care reform. “Every time we are in sight of health insurance reform, the special…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | August 25, 2009

Editor, Washington Post

1150 15th St., NW

Washington, DC 20071

Dear Editor:

E.J. Dionne suggests that only "antigovernment ideologues" doubt that "If governments around the world, including our own, had not…

Jeff Poor | August 24, 2009

This may go against the wishes of some of the personalities on MSNBC, but CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer thinks the Glenn Beck boycott won’t have an impact on NewsCorp’s (NASDAQ:NWSA), the parent company of Fox News, bottom line.


Jeff Poor | August 24, 2009

Complaining about rising costs, but ignoring the root of the problem is a common media mistake. And it is one ABC “World News Sunday,” made on Aug. 23 while discussing rising costs of a college education.

“College students all over the…