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Julia A. Seymour | October 14, 2009

Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, is a media darling now that she was the only Republican to break ranks and vote a health care reform bill out of the Senate Finance Committee Oct. 13. “Good Morning America” interviewed Snowe about health care reform…

Dan Gainor | October 14, 2009

The headline should read: “400,000 of U.S. aren’t reading this.” That’s the true story of the latest newspaper cataclysm as USA Today is about to report a loss of 398,000 readers in just one year.

It’s only the latest bad news headline…

Dan Kennedy | October 14, 2009

In our weird new world, where hope and wishful thinking are the same as accomplishment in the confused minds of many – obviously including the Nobel Prize folks – it’s worth recognizing real accomplishment. For example, comedian Al Franken is…

Jeff Poor | October 13, 2009

It’s an odd natural occurrence when you put MSNBC “Hardball” host Chris Matthews and CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer together, but when it happens they seem to draw some obvious conclusions – albeit nearly 10 months too late.

Back in…

Julia A. Seymour | October 12, 2009

America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), an insurance lobbying group, just released its own cost estimate of the health care reform bill currently in the Senate Finance Committee’s hands.

CNN’s Christine Romans criticized the report calling…

Jeff Poor | October 12, 2009

Here was a chance for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. to admit he was wrong, and to conclude publicly that government intervention in the private sector doesn’t always result in the best of outcomes.

McCain appeared on CNN’s Oct. 11 “State of the…

Matt Philbin | October 8, 2009

With President Obama seeking to nationalize more and more private industry, Michael Moore promoting his latest socialist agit-prop and the left gleefully proclaiming the death of capitalism, a documentary special airing tonight offers a welcome…

Jeff Poor | October 8, 2009

Remember back just a few short months ago – when thousands, if not millions, of Americans were protesting out-of-control government spending and other policies favored by President Barack Obama’s administration?

Surprised by the…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | October 7, 2009

Dear Editor:

Harold Meyerson reveals a weak grasp of economics when he laments that "Manufacturing now employs just one in 10 American workers; the vast majority of new jobs in recent decades has come in the service and retail sectors,…

Julia A. Seymour | October 7, 2009

Despite White House claims to the contrary, there is a growing possibility that illegal immigrants will be covered under a health care reform bill. And although the issue was the cause of Rep. Joe Wilson’s “shocking outburst” that generated…

Dan Gainor | October 7, 2009

Turn on any network last week and you saw famous people making excuses. It didn’t matter if it was Hollywood morons defending a rapist, David Letterman pretending he was a victim for treating his staff like a harem, or Barack Obama denying…

Dan Kennedy | October 7, 2009

The president’s a real comedian. I’m not referring to the performance on Letterman as much as I am at the G20 Summit, where, humorously, he spoke of his determination to prevent and prohibit the “reckless risk-taking” that he asserts brought…

BMI Staff | October 7, 2009

Networks Ignore Democrat Defeat of Immigrant ID and Their Push for Coverage of Illegals Rep. Joe Wilsons shocking outburst, generated plenty of media…

Jeff Poor | October 7, 2009

The foreclosed and/or evicted homeowners that have played such a role in the current economic meltdown – are they irresponsible borrowers that lived beyond their means or are victims that got swindled? Michael Moore is clear on where he thinks…

Matt Philbin | October 5, 2009

The real problem with U.S. health care is a “misalignment of the American system,” at least according to The Washington Post.

Post staff writer Ceci Connolly presented that perspective Sept. 29 in her article: “In Delivering Care, More Isn…

Matt Philbin | October 5, 2009

Fans of Douglas Adams’ “Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” books will remember that the answer to “life, the universe, and everything” was “42.” For American liberals, the answer to “health, insurance, and everything” appears to be 47. Liberal…

Julia A. Seymour | October 5, 2009

Attacking industry is an old standby for “60 Minutes,” and the Oct. 4 segment against coal companies was no exception.


Lesley Stahl criticized the industry for accidents, using the huge 2008 spill in Kingston, Tenn. to push…

Jeff Poor | October 5, 2009

TV segments on high oil prices were popular throughout 2008 as oil rose to $140 – some commentators warned of the worst and predicted hardship for consumers. But as the price of oil retreated and the price of gasoline fell, predictions about oil…

Jeff Poor | October 1, 2009

Scary times ahead? Perhaps, if you take credence in what Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, says.


Paul, who had a strong grassroots following during the 2008 presidential election, explained on Glenn Beck’s Sept. 30 radio program that…

Julia A. Seymour | October 1, 2009

See Executive Summary

These are tough times. More than 3 million people have lost their jobs just since February 2009 and consumer confidence fell unexpectedly in September. The unemployment rate has spiked from 8.1 percent to 9.7 percent…